A Lunar Sunset Video capturing the horizon glow. The NASA science team is excited to analyze these images further and share more on the findings soon!
Credit: Firefly Aerospace https://flic.kr/p/2qSJJfR
A Lunar Sunset Video capturing the horizon glow. The NASA science team is excited to analyze these images further and share more on the findings soon!
Credit: Firefly Aerospace https://flic.kr/p/2qSJJfR
Sunset on the Moon captured by Firefly’s Blue Ghost lunar lander. With Earth and Venus on top of that!
Credit: Firefly Aerospace https://flic.kr/p/2qSHJA7
NASA and Firefly Blue Ghost Lunar Mission Wrap Up Briefing
NASA Cameras on Blue Ghost Capture First-of-its-Kind Moon Landing Footage. The Stereo Cameras for Lunar-Plume Surface Studies (SCALPSS) 1.1 instrument took the images during the descent and successful soft landing.
Credit: NASA/Olivia Tyrrell
https://www.nasa.gov/general/nasa-cameras-on-blue-ghost-capture-first-of-its-kind-moon-landing-footage #BGM1
Shortly after landing, Blue Ghost captured the Earth from the lunar surface with a wide-lens cameras on its top deck.
Captured: Mar. 3, 2025; released: March 13
Credit: Firefly Aerospace https://flic.kr/p/2qREVB1 #BGM1
Après un alunissage réussi le 2 mars, les opérations de surface de #BGM1 ont rapidement commencé sur la #Lune.
Images et détails : https://reves-d-espace.com/les-images-atterrissage-et-premiers-jours-operations-de-blue-ghost-mission-1-sur-la-lune/
LISTER Drill Surface Operations. NASA's instrument for subsurface thermal exploration began drilling into the surface shortly after landing to determine the heat flow from the interior of the Moon.
Released Mar. 10, 2025, Credit: Firefly Aerospace
Deployment of the Lunar Magnetotelluric Sounder (LMS) electrodes to the surface and a 8-foot mast above the top deck. LMS will be used to characterize the structure and composition of the Moon’s mantle.
Mar. 7, 2025, Credit: Firefly Aerospace https://flic.kr/p/2qQzm68
#BlueGhost Lunar Surface Shadow Selfie
Shortly after landing, Blue Ghost's captured another shadow selfie showing the deployed X-band antenna (left) and LEXI payload (right) on the top deck.
Mar. 7, 2025, Credit: Firefly Aerospace https://flic.kr/p/2qQBz4r
One of Blue Ghost's 10 NASA Payloads, Lunar PlanetVac successfully collected, transferred, and sorted lunar soil from the Moon using pressurized nitrogen gas.
Mar. 6, 2025, Credit: Firefly Aerospace https://flic.kr/p/2qQkj7S