Non Western news organisations have put two and two together...
I'm NOT a Democrat, but #Schumer needs to go...
"'Deep sense of outrage and #betrayal': House #Democrats react to Schumer announcement"
#Canada #NAFTA #Tariffs #TradeWar #USA #Mexico #EU #Europe #NATO #News #Democrats #Enemy #MAGA #Fascism #Currency #Economics #Finance #Oil #Budgt
"Schumer told Dems during closed-door lunch that he would vote for cloture tomorrow morning.
Schumer is speaking on the floor shortly."
-A Desiderio
The Democratic Senate Leader betrayed us.
"The Arlington National Cemetery website "scrubbed dozens of pages on gravesites and educational materials that include histories of prominent Black, Hispanic, and female service members buried in the cemetery" to meet Trump/Hegseth orders."
#Racism #Republicans #Betrayal #Veterans #Resist #USPol
Unfortunately, there are traitors among us, & some of them are Democratic Senators. We likely won't know how many betray us until tomorrow.
"Several Senate Democrats privately signal after lengthy closed-door lunch they expect that enough of their colleagues will vote to break a Democratic filibuster and let the House GOP stop-gap plan become law."
-Manu Raju
"But I hate it so much that we have to now cater to the #US and #Russia, instead of being allowed to defend ourselves in an unjust #war.
They came to our house, murdered us for no reason and we have to give up land and talk to them because our allies betrayed us."
-Oleksiy Sorokin of the #Kyiv Independent
from: @jaykuo
I want to quote every goddamn line of this, but this will do for now:
"Today you take comfort that almost all of you have remained silent in the Great Betrayal. This is the mentality of the mob. You know you are doing something morally grotesque, but you look around and convince yourself that it can’t be that bad if your peers are with you."
“Trump knows exactly what he’s doing. His intelligence freeze isn’t a miscalculation—it’s a deliberate act of cruelty.
As UA’s leaders plead for aid, he smirks & shrugs.
“They’ve to get on the ball & get a job done.”
The slaughter of civilians -it’s a bargaining chip for him.
#Trump’s #betrayal doesn’t stop with #Ukraine.
By signaling that NATO allies can no longer rely on the US -he’s systematically dismantling the West’s last line of defense.”
#USPol #Resist
This is just laughable. They never take responsibility for anything.
"President Trump has a new anti-NATO refrain that strikes at the mutual defense agreement that lays at the heart of the military alliance: 'If they don’t pay, I’m not going to defend them.'”
~ David Kurtz
#Putin #Trump #Zelenskyy #betrayal #Russia #Ukraine #PutinsPoodle #NATO #Europe
"Trump’s attack on a Jewish leader resonates with his own personal bigotry. But it also is a reminder that Putin and Trump are working together to spread Christofascism—an ideology that targets a range of marginalized people, definitely including Jews."
~ Noah Berlatsky
#Putin #Trump #Zelenskyy #betrayal #Russia #Ukraine #PutinsPoodle #antisemitism
"the demand for deference, the obsession with money, the claims of corruption and dishonesty, the encirclement, the loud voices, the bizarre grievances, the underlying sense that a Jewish person does not fit and must be expelled."
#Putin #Trump #Zelenskyy #betrayal #Russia #Ukraine #PutinsPoodle #antisemitism
"The Americans portrayed themselves as the real heroes because they provided some of the weapons. The suffering of Ukrainians went unmentioned. ...
To conclude that the scene in the White House was antisemitic, one does not need to know anything further. It's all right there:"
#Putin #Trump #Zelenskyy #betrayal #Russia #Ukraine #PutinsPoodle #antisemitism
"It was all there, in the Oval Office, in the shouting and in the interruptions, in the noises and in the silences. A courageous man seen as Jewish had to be brought down. When he said things that were simply true he was shouted down and called a propagandist. There was no acknowledgement of Zelens'kyi's bravery in remaining in Kyiv."
#Putin #Trump #Zelenskyy #betrayal #Russia #Ukraine #PutinsPoodle #antisemitism
"The attempt to humiliate Volodymyr Zelens'kyi in the Oval Office a week ago was an American strategic collapse. It heralded a new constellation of disorderly powers, obsessed with resources, seizing what they can. Inside that new disaster is something old and familiar that we might prefer not to see: antisemitism. The encounter in the White House was antisemitic."
~ Timothy Snyder
#Putin #Trump #Zelenskyy #betrayal #Russia #Ukraine #PutinsPoodle #antisemitism
"In a lot of ways the story rhymes with pretty much every other story that features Donald Trump and Ukraine."
#Putin #Trump #Zelenskyy #betrayal #Russia #Ukraine #PutinsPoodle
"Why wouldn’t he also be behind the scenes (maybe even along with his buds in the Russian government?) trying to mount a coup in Ukraine to get Zelenskyy out of power, and install maybe a more subservient pro-Russian leader — you know, somebody else who is Putin’s bitch — so Putin can just go ahead and seize the nation he thinks he’s entitled to?"
~ Evan Hurst
#Putin #Trump #Zelenskyy #betrayal #Russia #Ukraine #PutinsPoodle
"Four senior members of Donald Trump’s entourage have held secret discussions with some of Kyiv’s top political opponents to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, just as Washington aligns with Moscow in seeking to lever the Ukrainian president out of his job."
~ Jamie Dettmer
#Putin #Trump #Zelenskyy #betrayal #Russia #Ukraine #PutinsPoodle
"And while many of them can go to European countries or other third countries, there are good reasons why many of them have come here, as opposed to elsewhere. There are as many stories as there are individuals.
I should pause here and concede that the same is true of other categories of migrants whose temporary protective status is now at risk."
#Putin #Trump #Zelenskyy #betrayal #Russia #Ukraine #PutinsPoodle