A book review that says: "The end of capitalism – or the end of civilization? The choice could be that stark."
Herrmann argues that there is no choice other than radical and seemingly unimaginable change if we are to survive in anything like a civilized condition: “There is no alternative for the industrialized countries. Either they end growth voluntarily, or the era of growth will end violently, when everything that forms the basis of our way of life has been destroyed.”
There is no doubt that unmitigated climate change and environmental degradation will transform our lives and the political systems that circumscribe them. By the time they do, it may be too late to do anything useful, other than keep a lid on social breakdown. It won’t necessarily be the end of the world, but it may be the end of any human civilization worthy of the name.
FULL REVIEW -- https://theconversation.com/the-end-of-capitalism-or-the-end-of-civilisation-the-choice-could-be-that-stark-250922
GET THE BOOK -- https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-end-of-capitalism-why-growth-and-climate-protection-are-incompatible-and-how-we-will-live-in-the-future/7f61983f99d22db3