can someone please forward this video to #elonmusk (is he like a little kid does not understand the consequences of his actions? like lighting fireworks in the livingroom ... might be fun for a while... until the house burns down)
because not on #twitter anymore
while u are on it: ask mr #musk how he would define #fascism... because even after reading #nietsche he surely does not seem to know what that is.
#elonmusk #megalomania is unfortunately also responsible for sinking loaned billions into a social media company
for this money he could have created 1000x new social media companies 10.000x better than the original #twitter BUT NOOOOO THE GENIUS HAD TO MAKE THOSE MISTAKES???
#elonmusk does not understand the consequences of his actions
is this lack of #awareness? would call it Zero Awareness Syndrome (ZAS) sideffects of #ketamine?
#maga ur #stupidity is an illness (sorry)
#tesla cars on #fire
also #elon it seems like not only in #Germany people take offense when someone does a #nazisalut does this register somewhere in your genius brain? no?