Be calm, stay calm, trust yourself, tread lightly.
#sea #coast #coastal #moonlight #moon #beach #mangroves #silhouettes #shadows #tropics #tropical #painting #artist #artwork #fediart #mastoart #Art #Artforsale #Ayearforart #Buyintoart #giftideas #Paintingsbyjoan #JoanStratton @paintingsbyjoan
My #Xplane #flightsim view out the front window. Climbing out of Saint Cloud, MN headed to Traverse City, MI.
Making 287 kts of ground speed at +3000 FPM in the #Cirrus SF50 Vision Jet.
Today's Google logo in Japan celebrates March's half moon. Click on the logo to play a mini game with sound! #googledoodle #lastquartermoon #waningmoon #halfmoon #moon #march
日本でのGoogleのロゴ、本日は“3月の半月の夜”ver.です。ロゴクリックで音声入りのミニゲームがスタート! #googledoodle #lastquartermoon #waningmoon #halfmoon #moon #march
This photo is insane. Dude went to Alaska to capture the #eclipse and the Northern Lights appeared behind it.
A Lunar Sunset Video capturing the horizon glow. The NASA science team is excited to analyze these images further and share more on the findings soon!
Credit: Firefly Aerospace
Sunset on the Moon captured by Firefly’s Blue Ghost lunar lander. With Earth and Venus on top of that!
Credit: Firefly Aerospace
Photographer’s Once-in-a-Lifetime Shots of the Lunar Eclipse and Aurora #totalunareclipse #capturetheatlas #northernlights #lunareclipse #Inspiration #Spotlight #Features #danzafra #nightsky #eclipse #Travel #alaska #aurora #night #space #moon #sky
This is the best image I got just as totality began and before the clouds swooped back in and ended the festivities early here. #Portland #PNW #LunarEclipse #astronomy #photography #Moon