Yellow-Tipped Wonders
I photographed these cedar waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum) about 15 minutes ago. They visit this same tree every year—well, maybe not these exact birds, but you get the idea. The tree is located to the west, and they tend to perch high up, making raw photographs appear as silhouettes. To reveal the vibrant colors of the birds, I usually lighten the images a bit.
If you love locking eyes with our feathered friends, flock to my photo gallery at:
0228 - The colours of Iceland
This photo was taken in Iceland. Due to its volcanic origins, the landscape in Iceland can be quite colourful due to the vegetation, and the minerals in the "freshly" created soil.
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0227 - Fall is really coming
This photo was taken in the vineyards near to where i live in Luxembourg. The leafs of the vines have taken on their yellow colours from fall.
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Nature's Minimalist
The plumage of chipping sparrows (Spizella passerina) provides excellent camouflage. In the original photo of this bird, I had to carefully search to spot it among the bare branches of the tree. At this time of year, these birds are abundant, but in the coming weeks, they will migrate back to the north.
If you enjoy photos of birds and other wildlife, take a look at my photo gallery. Sparrows are never overlooked—they're a valued and important part of my collection. Feel free to explore!
Bonjour les photographes, auriez-vous des conseils à me donner pour la création d'un site web - blog ?
Merci d'avance.
Hello photographers, would you have any advice for me on creating a website - blog?
Thanks in advance.