Tingo<p>It's a myth to view us as founded by convicts, though that is part of the story.</p><p>We're founded by trash. Convicts sentenced for speaking out against the Crown. For gathering more than three in public. Refugees from all the wars our masters started. Seekers of asylum. Built on and displacing an ancient culture that has displayed more tolerance than a thousand UN sittings.</p><p>We're humanity's dissidents exiled into paradise, super imposed on humanity's most fucked on peoples. And for the most part, that has cowed and distracted and allowed arseholes and multi-nationals and foreign powers to set their minions over us. But we do know how to fight.</p><p>Our prevailing national myth is a loss. Getting slaughtered on a Turkish beach at the orders of British officers. We celebrate that.</p><p>Darker are the myths we hide from and only whisper, the massacres and dispositions of which our nation was truly founded. Genocide. Hidden, it haunts us. Poisoning our national soul.</p><p>But do not for a second think that we are weak or shy or lacking in courage. We hold fury in our blood. Bequeathed by generations of survivors, both local and imported. And an intolerance for 'tall-poppies' and bullshit and autocrats.</p><p>Enough of the imperialism. Step the fuck back. Or fucking try us.</p><p><a href="https://aus.social/tags/auspol" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">#<span>auspol</span></a> <a href="https://aus.social/tags/uspol" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">#<span>uspol</span></a></p>