@MindTGap We’re all just trying to get rich enough so it doesn’t affect us. Personally, I’d move (to an undisclosed location) if I didn’t have a kid in school.
The 2016 primary was the last time I was naive enough to think there was hope.
But now, I see that I was duped. I mean, look at #bernie. An empty shell of his former self. An establishment #sheepdog.
I see it everywhere. Did you ever see this video about #AOC?
Obama 2.0 (100% marketing) https://youtu.be/Gcqoo0Jn18A
Bernie Sanders Got Community Noted So Hard
If Kenosha isn't close enough to you, you can register with Bernie Sanders at
Once registered, they will let you know when there are events close to you.
Bernie Sanders invites you to Bernie's rally in Kenosha, WI on Friday, March 7th at 6:30 PM, Bernie will be speaking about how we can come together to take on the Oligarchy.
If you can't make it in person, there will be a live stream of this event available at live.berniesanders.com if you'd like to tune in.
You can sign up with your information with Bernie here: