Esto es las risas. Qué bien me lo he pasado leyéndolo
Esto es las risas. Qué bien me lo he pasado leyéndolo
I've just reviewed Csaba Szabo's ''Unreliable: Bias, Fraud, and the Reproducibility Crisis in Biomedical Research'.
It's a tour-de-force through how most biomedicine research results are impossible to reproduce, how the field is corrupted by fraud, and what some real scientists are doing to counter all of this.
@bookstodon #book #reading #CsabaSzabo #BookReview #reviews #books #science #biomedicine #papers #research #NonFiction
This week I've been mainly reading, no. 218.
Although written nearly 40 years ago,
Lois McMaster Bujold's Falling Free (1988) seems incredibly timely; dealing with an uprising among genetically modified slave workers, Bujold's sci-fi novel deals with callous corporations, workers' exploitation & toxic management, all presented in a breezy & fluid style; its a great read & wears its politics pretty openly. Highly recommended!
Come let this succubard read you to sleep~
(including lore books from The Elder Scrolls series)
#Vtuber #ENVtuber #Stream #Streaming #Bard #VGM #Games #Gaming #LGBTQ #Queer #Trans #TransFem #VoiceActing #Reading #Bookstodon #Books
Trying to finish #AnnaKarenina before I go back to school and have no time for fiction anymore. 80 percent through! I’m gonna make it! @bookstodon #bookstodon #books
I see that #Malaysia and #Singapore have joined the countries who can access #KoboPlus
If you’re newly looking to give it a go, I’ve been listing my favourite K+ reads for a while now. Mostly in the SFF, history, romance, and historical non-fiction areas. Maybe browse my tag, see you what you find:
@bookstodon #bookstodon #books #welcome #indieReads
Para #QuartaCapa cujo tema é "capas bonitas", trago "Hellraiser" (Clive Barker), na edição brasileira da editora DarkSide Books. Não sou fã do gênero, mas é daqueles livros que compraria só pela capa.
Menções honrosas: "Valis" (Philip K. Dick) numa antiga edição da Aleph que imitava a caixa de um remédio tarja preta; Trilogia Alien com ilustrações metalizadas (Tim Lebbon e James A. Moore) da editora Leya; A religião nos limites da simples razão (Immanuel Kant) da editora Lafonte, que traz um coração formado por trilhas de placa de circuito e um chip/processador no centro.
Wall Art , Framed Prints
#Scotland #lighthouse #island #spring
Lighthouse & Fishing Life Collections
begin at
#buyintoart #gallery #art #artist #mastoart #fantasy #books #illustration #painting #photo #print #captain #ocean #navy #greenland #iceland #norway #space #europe #mediterranean #portland #canada #usa #architecture #security
Hey, readers! We recently introduced dozens of new titles to the Colossal Shop. Add some diversity to your bookshelf by perusing our handpicked collection of biographies, monographs, poetry, cookbooks, criticism, and more:
#newbook They began as makers of electronic organs and pianos. Then they made the natural leap into building exact simulacra of famous people, made to order. To befriend and utilise for any purpose someone wanted… What could go wrong? Surprisingly it’s something to do with colonising the moon. #books #scifi #bookstodon
Music is my lifeline. That's one big reason I make playlists to accompany some of my books...
#music #playlist #books #reading
SECRET. He has been let into the secret: he has been cheated at gaming or horse-racing. He or she is in the grand secret, i.e. dead.
A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)
#books #literature #dictionaries #history #society #language #slang @histodons
New evidence that #BookBans backfire.
"We find that the circulations of banned books increased by 12%, on average, compared with comparable nonbanned titles after the ban. We also find that banning a book in a state leads to increased circulation in states without bans…Books with higher visibility on social media following the ban see an increase in consumption."
PS: It's not clear how much book bans would backfire without protests and publicity. But it's now clear that protests and publicity help them backfire. Keep it up.
A book review that says: "The end of capitalism – or the end of civilization? The choice could be that stark."
Herrmann argues that there is no choice other than radical and seemingly unimaginable change if we are to survive in anything like a civilized condition: “There is no alternative for the industrialized countries. Either they end growth voluntarily, or the era of growth will end violently, when everything that forms the basis of our way of life has been destroyed.”
There is no doubt that unmitigated climate change and environmental degradation will transform our lives and the political systems that circumscribe them. By the time they do, it may be too late to do anything useful, other than keep a lid on social breakdown. It won’t necessarily be the end of the world, but it may be the end of any human civilization worthy of the name.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman on Why She Wrote “The Yellow Wallpaper”
From the Penguin Classics Collection “Twelve Stories by American Women”
The Yellow Wallpaper at PG