The drama in the #Commodore #Amiga world never ends. It is getting beyond ridiculous at this point.
The drama in the #Commodore #Amiga world never ends. It is getting beyond ridiculous at this point.
Das EasyGate1541 jetzt auch für die 1541-II
Das EasyGate1541 war bisher nur für die “alte” 1541 erhältlich. Die spätere 1541-II bekam von Commodore ein anderes Gate-Array, das noch mehr Funktionalitäten integriert hat. Es war an der Zeit, dass eine Alternative geschaffen wurde.
#1541II #1571 #Array #commodore #CPLD #EasyGate1541 #EasyGate1541II #Ersatz #Festplatte #Gate #Laufwerk #Xilinx
Neue Hauptplatine für das Commodore 1541-Diskettenlaufwerk, Teil II
Hier nun der versprochene 2. Teil über eine neue Systemplatine für das Floppy-Laufwerk VC1541 von Commodore. Ein komplettes Redesign und die Zusammenführung verschiedener Projekte zu einem neuen Controller…
#1541 #C128 #c64 #commodore #CPLD #Disk #DolphinDOS #Ersatz #Erweitert #Generation #GPIB #IEEE488 #Laufwerk #Mainboard #Neu #PCB #SpeedDOS #VC1541 #Weiter #Xilinx
*Finally* starting on actually designing levels for this game. Learning assembler is hard, y'all, but it's been a fun journey. #commodore #amiga #indiegamedev
In 1990 our Amiga music editor Digital Mugician was released by the British game publisher Thalamus.
Our music composer Ramon Braumuller made this demo track. Wait for the part with the sampled guitar riffs, which were live-played by Michel van Polen, the guitarist of his former band.
The module file, including sampled sounds, is 185 kilobytes. It loops, hence the abrupt ending…
See #TeamHoi hashtag for more tunes.
NEW VIDEO: This is the final installment for my #Commodore GEOS series. This time we look at WHEELS 128 as well as more amazing CMD hardware including the legendary 20 Mhz SuperCPU 128 with a 16MB RAM card.
Let's burn rubber and print some high school English essays in style!!
I should bring out some of my manuals also
In my humble opinion the Amiga computer series is the best made for its era
I've wanted to create a remake of this game for a long time.
Should I share some of the mockups I've made?
Did you ever play it?
𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝙱𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚎 𝙻𝚎𝚎
From a series of voxel art tributes to childhood game nostalgia I made in the 2000s.
As there were no voxel editors (Minecraft didn't exist yet), I made the works by extruding polygons in 3ds Max.
Some high-res images from this series are available here…
Excellent intro on how Amiga tracker music actually was done around 1990. :)
2014 Unknown
Status: Preview, Findability: 2/5
Coding: Dév, Attila Borsanyi
Graphics: Antal, Dávid Vigh, Dév
Sound: OneByteMuzik, Mihály Horváth
Sprite Studio 64
Native sprite editor for Commodore 64. Pocket knife among sprite editors.
Jan Beta makes videos about repairing and restoring old computers and other equipment, especially the Commodore Amiga and C64:
There are already over 40 videos uploaded. If they haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at
You can also follow Jan's general social media account at @janbeta
When I was an Amiga game developer, the German Factor 5 developers were among my heroes.
I was honored when many years later, Factor 5's Lutz Osterkorn ordered my game voxel artworks for his bedroom wall. He sent me these photos.
𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝙶𝚊𝚕𝚊𝚐𝚊
From a series of voxel art tributes to childhood game nostalgia I made in the 2000s.
As there were no voxel editors (Minecraft didn't exist yet), I made the works by extruding polygons in 3ds Max.
Some high-res images from this series are available here…