Re: (as per last RT)
This is why I'm a paid up member of the Green Party (of England & Wales).
If these sorts of cuts go through I'm very likely to be affected. I'm still on the legacy Employment and Support Allowance (Income Related, although if I fail any Work Capability Assessment (WCA) I'm put on the Contributions Based version until that is appealed), and also receive PIP.
I live comfortable *for me*, because I just don't go out, don't eat out, don't order food in etc. I run a small monthly surplus that allows me to actually have savings, buy a few occasional luxuries (for me this means new computer equipment, and not worrying about if I can afford a particular computer game), and donate any further surplus to charities.
Personally what *I* need from any UK government is to fix the provision of mental health care by the NHS. I've repeatedly gone through a dance of talking to my GP about it, being referred to a psychiatrist, trying all manner of medications that don't help (and often have side effects), then being punted out to the likes of MIND, i.e. charity/volunteer organisations, who then also don't know what to do with me.
I am diagnosed with Avoidant Personality Disorder, along with General and Social Anxiety. I *manage* my condition by simply not challenging myself too much. Even the mere *thought* of trying to work sends me into a panic, knowing I'd last at most a few months, more likely weeks or days before falling apart.
The last time I had trouble with a WCA I almost threw myself into traffic upon exiting the building the first appeal was held in (thankfully the second appeal went my way), and the next day ended up being taken to a hospital in an ambulance due to high suicidality.
If I can't pay rent, buy food and pay other bills, I die. I am a conduit for tax money to go through the economy again (private landlord, mostly Tesco for food/household).