Version 3.10.0 of the AmiBlitz programming language has just been released. As the developer Sven 'honitos' Dröge writes, he has put a lot of effort into the stability of the overall package and fixed many bugs:
Version 3.10.0 of the AmiBlitz programming language has just been released. As the developer Sven 'honitos' Dröge writes, he has put a lot of effort into the stability of the overall package and fixed many bugs:
Christian Geldmann's "Hyper Wings" is a shooter developed in assembler, in which two human or computer-controlled combatants fight each other with a control system borrowed from Asteroids. Version 2.2 - tagged as the "final release" by the author - offers, among others, a gravity bomb:
vAmigaWeb is an Amiga emulator for web browsers or as a progressive web app. The new version is now based on the core of vAmiga 4.0 and therefore also supports "Workspaces": these are resource packages that contain the complete Amiga configuration, installed ROMs, floppy disks and hard disks and, unlike the previous "Snapshot" format, are no longer tied to specific versions of vAmiga but will work with all future versions:
The aim of the Amiga game Pjusk is to find your way through a labyrinth by tackling enemies in a carefully considered sequence in order to open doors and collect resources.
The game comprises 24 levels and requires at least an Amiga 500 with 512 KB of additional slow mem:
DiagROM is a diagnostic software that is burned into an EPROM by the user and then replaces the regular Kickstart ROM of an Amiga. The alpha version 2.0 has now been released at the title link.
At the same time, Domingo Fivoli has published a two-part German tutorial for the previous version 1.3 on his blog:
3D Object Converter is a tool for wireframe objects that was first released last year. The software is available as shareware at a price of 40 euros for AmigaOS 3.x and 4.x. Version 1.106 provides a lot of new features:
Ecliptic is described by the author as "a mixture of turn based tactical combat and role playing" ( reported) being a visually reminiscent of the retro-futuristic science fiction of the 1970s and 1980s. Now a fifth demo has been released for the game.
The Rogue-like game Roguecraft (video, reported) has been updated to version 1.5:
Robert 'Pyrdacor' Schneckenhaus has provided "Amiga-Tools" for current computer systems. Specifically, these are two command line commands for Windows, Linux or Mac OS; a user interface is planned. They can be used to create, modify, display and unpack ADF disk images or LHA archives:
"AmigaBlueKick" is a Kickstart switch that does not require any soldering work on the motherboard or a mechanical switch: Switching between the different Kickstart ROMs is done via Bluetooth. To do this, a ready-made ESP32S3 or ESP32C3 Wifi/Bluetooth module is connected to four pins of a Kickstart EPROM (5V, ground, A18, A19):
Version 12.8 of the Workbench distribution "Amikit" is available to all registered users free of charge. The software collection has been expanded to include the Jump'n Run "Absolute Zero" and the "World Construction Set" as well as a utility that enables the use of joypads. You can now switch between different windows with the key combination LeftAmiga-Tab.
"Trapped in the Tomb" is a flip-screen Amiga platformer in which the items to be collected and the player's starting position are chosen randomly each time the game is started:
You can't challenge your mind enough! :)
In the logic game "Untangle" for the Amiga, the player has a number of dots in front of him, which are connected by lines and cross each other. The aim of the game is to untangle the lines by moving the dots so that no line intersects another. Version 1.2 offers 25 new levels - 200 in total:
Thomas Harte's "Clock Signal" is a multiplatform emulator for macOS and Unix-compatible systems, which aims to protect the user from the typical configuration orgies and to enable the user (quote) "to start classic software directly". In addition to various 8- and 16-bit systems, the Amiga is also emulated. In version 2025-03-05, a bug was fixed that could lead to a crash under macOS when creating a new virtual machine:
Georg Wittmann provides version 33.48 of the external virus scanner library xvs.library:
The "Amiga 40th anniversary" event in Silicon Valley (California) announced in December is now described in more detail by the organizers of the "Vintage Computer Festival West" in a press release. Among other things, an exhibition with "unique historical artifacts from the collection of Dale Luck" and "current innovations from the Amiga community" is announced:
"Calypsi" is a collection of compilers and assemblers that run under Windows, Linux and macOS and can generate code for various retro platforms - 6502 and 68000 processors are supported, among others. New version 5.9 has been now released:
Ever thought about programming an Amiga game? Now is the right time! Dive into the game construction kit RedPill and win an Amiga 500 Plus or THEA500 Mini:
New version of the Game Construction Kit RedPill 0.9.48 has been released, introducing the possibility of realistically resolving circular collisions:
Fast file and image transfer:
MailSender minimises the effort required to send files and images by e-mail and offers a user-friendly interface. It is available for AmigaOS 4, MorphOS and AROS.