Rust-Colored Songbird
"This is a brown thrasher (Toxostoma rufum) perched gracefully on a tree limb. Its vivid yellow eyes stand out, adding an intensity to its watchful expression, while its rich reddish-brown plumage and streaked underparts highlight its striking appearance. Truly a captivating glimpse of this fascinating songbird!
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Great Blue Heron pair “doing the Tango” - from my courtship ritual series
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Silence speaks volumes in nature. The rustle of leaves, the distant call of an owl, the quiet gaze of a bird watching the world go by.
#wildlife #wildlifephotography
#birdwatching #birdphotography
#BirdingIsForEverybody #Nikon #BirdScrolling
Things seen In the Atlantic Forest region of Brazil in São Paulo State in mid-March: Green-headed Tanager, Palm Tanager, Golden-chevroned Tanager, Azure-shouldered Tanager (7/x)
Et voilà aujourd'hui la deuxième illustration de ce triptyque sur les Tariers pâtres - Saxicola rubicola, représentant un mâle et une femelle.
Le Tarier pâtre est un petit insectivore se plaisant dans les zones assez ouvertes et plutôt pauvres, avec des buissons depuis lesquels il guette ses proies
Son nid est fait d'herbes sèches, souvent au sol
Pour retrouver toutes mes illustrations disponibles, c'est par ici
#birds #birdphotography #BirdPictures #ornithology #ornitologie #oiseaux #nature #wildlife #wildlifephotography #wildlifeprotection #sciart #sciences #biodiversity #biology #ecologie #biodiversite #birdlovers
Wir wollen niemals auseinandergeh'n,
wir wollen immer zueinandersteh'n.
"Painted Turtles, Painted Duck". A wood duck drake happily shares his (he was there first) log with a family of painted turtles. Huntley Meadows Park, Alexandria, Virginia, USA 25-MAR-2025. #birds #birdphotography #turtles #naturephotography
Yellow-Tipped Wonders
I photographed these cedar waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum) about 15 minutes ago. They visit this same tree every year—well, maybe not these exact birds, but you get the idea. The tree is located to the west, and they tend to perch high up, making raw photographs appear as silhouettes. To reveal the vibrant colors of the birds, I usually lighten the images a bit.
If you love locking eyes with our feathered friends, flock to my photo gallery at:
A couple of weeks ago I had a beautiful foggy morning to shoot waterfowl and I am very happy with the way this shot turned out! I hope you like it as much as I do.
Things seen In the Atlantic Forest region of Brazil in São Paulo State in mid-March: White-spotted Woodpecker, White Woodpecker, Blond-crested Woodpecker, Red Peacock (6/x)