#Trump revocă statutul legal pentru 530.000 de imigranți din #Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua și
#Trump revocă statutul legal pentru 530.000 de imigranți din #Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua și
#ParchetulEuropean acuză un antreprenor român de fraudă cu bani
#UE pentru echipamente de construcții. Prejudiciu de 365.000
'Bloody Saturday' at #VOA & #RFA. “#Journalists showed up at the VOA today…to be told…[that] Federal officials had embarked on indefinite mass suspensions. All full-time staffers at the VOA & the Office for #Cuba Broadcasting, which runs Radio & Television Martí, were affected — more than 1,000... The move followed a late Friday night edict from President Trump that its parent agency…US Agency for Global Media, must eliminate all activities…not required by law.” | NPR https://www.npr.org/2025/03/15/nx-s1-5329244/bloody-saturday-voiceofamerica-radio-free-asia-europe-trump-kari-lake /1
“If the Cubans are not there, we may not be able to run the service,” he said. “I will prefer to lose my visa than to have 60 poor and working people die.”
And last week, Jamaican Foreign Minister Kamina Johnson Smith told reporters her government views Cuban medics as vital.
“Their presence here is of importance to our healthcare system,” she said. There are 400 Cuban doctors, nurses and medical technicians currently working in the country.
This week, #Barbados’s Prime Minister Mia Mottley gave a fiery address to parliament, calling the US stance “unfair and unjustified”.
“We could not get through the pandemic without the Cuban nurses and the Cuban doctors,” she said.
Trinidad and Tobago’s prime minister, Keith Rowley, warned that US interference in #Caribbean healthcare decisions was unacceptable.
Caribbean leaders have hit back at a threat issued by the United States government to cancel visas for anyone working with or supporting Cuban medical facilities, citing allegations of forced labour and claiming these missions “enrich the Cuban regime”.
Cuban medical missions, which provide doctors, nurses and other medical staff as well as medical facilities, are critical to healthcare systems in the Caribbean.
[05:39] Cuba suffers fourth nationwide blackout in five months
Cuba suffered a general blackout caused by a crash of its national electricity grid, officials said, the fourth major power outage on the cash-strapped communist island in five months.
#Cuba #fourth #fivemonths
Analiză. Majoritatea experților cred că #Rusia cere maximum posibil pentru o încetare a focului, într-o tactică “specific rusească” de a trage de timp. “Este o capcană în care președinții
#Americani au tot căzut, începând cu Barack #Obama. Chiar dacă ar fi de acord cu un armistițiu, condițiile vor fi extrem de dure, iar rușii sunt pregătiți să dea vina pe ucraineni dacă acesta nu durează”.
First day of field work in eastern Cuba. 5 am depart, 8 pm return. No snails, no breakfast, no lunch, 35°C, ran out of water, no food or drink in shops!
But we did see a dude cow-surfing (?)
#Cuba #fieldwork #snails
■ Es cubano, vive en Barcelona y está de viaje en Argentina: lo que dice de los precios trae cola ■ Muchos argentinos han entrado al trapo.
[03:50] Dozens of migrants held at Guantanamo flown to the US
The United States has flown all 40 migrants being held at its Guantanamo military base in Cuba to the state of Louisiana, a US defense official said.
#TheUnitedStates #40 #Guantanamo #Cuba #Louisiana #US
i find it interesting #Trump doesn't threaten to invade #Cuba
from a purely moron-#American #ultranationalist #imperialist perspective, it works. it works from the "evil #socialism" perspective
it even works from the hardcore #rightWing #CubanAmerican "Bay of Pigs was the greatest tragedy ever" perspective
but Trump goes after #Greenland and #Panama, #Canada and #Mexico instead
interesting that, no?