How can it be that there are still no native quote reposts in Mastodon? I know it's somewhere on the roadmap, but I would have expected the priority for such an essential feature to be much higher.
Revert animated parent transform (like a scale or skew) on child without an extra animation using registered custom properties.
#cssWish That we could have a zero count for the number of columns in `repeat()`.
That repeat count is often computed. Let's say I want double the width for selected column k out of n columns:
repeat(var(--k), var(--w))
repeat(calc(var(--n) - var(--k) - 1), var(--w))
DON'T use layered text-shadows for text outlines just because text-stroke is broken (, they are going to produce ugly corners, thickened roundings and angled lines.
DO: use `paint-order: stroke fill` instead!
Inspired by a design, I created the 3D bookmark with #CSS in a
Tous les sujets comptent.
#accessibilité, #design, #dev, #webperf, #éthique… on veut de tout.
Maintenant, on attend vos sujets ici :
Il vous reste 5 jours.
A mon tour de demander à Mastodon de faire sa magie !
Je suis désormais à la recherche d'une nouvelle opportunité en tant que #dev ou #architecte .
J'ai une quinzaine d'années d'XP sur des architectures #microservices
Je suis sympa et je ne mords pas.
Dispo à partir de la mi-Avril, j'ai la tête bien faite et vous n'aurez pas besoin de me tenir la main bien longtemps.
N'hésitez pas à me contacter en privé et booster si possible
Malicious PyPI Packages Stole Cloud Tokens—Over 14,100 Downloads Before Removal
Some of the packages were,
snapshot-photo (2,448 downloads)
time-check-server (316 downloads)
time-check-server-get (178 downloads)
time-server-analysis (144 downloads)
time-server-analyzer (74 downloads)
time-server-test (155 downloads)
time-service-checker (151 downloads)
aclient-sdk (120 downloads)
acloud-client (5,496 downloads)
acloud-clients (198 downloads)
acloud-client-uses (294 downloads)
alicloud-client (622 downloads)
alicloud-client-sdk (206 downloads)
amzclients-sdk (100 downloads)
awscloud-clients-core (206 downloads)
credential-python-sdk (1,155 downloads)
enumer-iam (1,254 downloads)
tclients-sdk (173 downloads)
tcloud-python-sdks (98 downloads)
tcloud-python-test (793 downloads) #infosec #python #dev #opensource