Remembering the late Mary Tamm (22 March 1950 – 26 July 2012)), who played the first incarnation of Romana. #DoctorWho
Remembering the late Mary Tamm (22 March 1950 – 26 July 2012)), who played the first incarnation of Romana. #DoctorWho
Feel like some Dr Who so I’m watching The End of Time. Tennant’s emotional swansong sees the return of John Simm's Master, but it’s Timothy Dalton's fearsome Rassilon that’s truly anenemy to be reckoned with. A noble sacrifice and touching farewell for the 10th Doctor. #DoctorWho
Family made fun of me for being in the #mastodon #bubble. I was fine with that as they here in the #instagram bubble.
So, what bubble should I join?
But really, I'm in the #Lego bubble. I mean 70% posts I read are about Lego. 20% about #DoctorWho.
5% about #Trump destroying the government.
1% Puppies & kittens.
1% Science
3% Local Sport Teams.
Go #Philadelphia #Cricket Club!
thank God for #BigFinish #DoctorWho audios!
getting to spend more time with some of these characters is priceless.
lately enjoying more time with the utterly #FANTASTIC Ninth Doctor!
Anyone fancy some Twelfth Doctor story fix? The very talented @Caol_Ila has started posting on AO3, so if you’re missing Twelve, check it out!
Además, algunas cosas que me gustan (así, sin orden ni concierto):
#DoctorWho, #GoodOmens, #StarTrek, #Firefly, #JurassicPark, #TheCranberries, #Nightwish, #MitologíaNórdica, #Loki (tanto el mitológico como el de #Marvel), #Miniaturas, #Artesanía (especialmente #Cosmética, #Cuero y #Resina), #numismática, #Impresión3D, #acuariofilia …
Juego a #PokemonGo. #PokemonGoFriends: 0131 3999 8371 (Marino).
In the mood for some Doctor Who so I'm watching Flatline (2014), a dark and exciting episode where Clara has to take on the Doctor’s role when multi-dimensional entities terrorise an estate while the 12th Doctor faces a dimensionally transcendental predicament of his own! #DoctorWho
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