#Sketch #SketchBook #MastoArt #Art #Fineliner #FinelinerArt #Ink #InkArt #Drawrch #Linework #LineArt #Draw #DrawingAnimals #Dog #Horse #Bird #Beaver #Antelope #Cat #Wolf #KleineKunstklasse #DailyArt #DailySketch
416 & 417/x (sa & su)
reference pictures from line-of-action.com/
#Mondog Another week has begun and let's make it a good one, greetings from Kengo in the sprung spring.
Happy Mondog! I hope you have a good week. We are living through crazy times and I am grateful for all the wonderful photos on Mastodon. Thanks for sharing them.
This is my custom portrait of Kody the happy Samoyed! This portrait will eventually become a dimensional foiled print, and this special style helps foil release cleanly from the paper.
I was just informed that it’s National Puppy Day. So here’s my “puppy” (B/W dog) and a little friend:
Cette semaine j'ai réussi la plus belle photo de #Scoubie en pleine action depuis 4 ans (c'est son âge)
#Bordercollie #Dog #dogsofmastodon
Our Sunday stroll at our favorite spot, although Kengo was too busy searching and eating food scrap from the ground...
Have a peaceful Sunday.
George H. Sparks Reservoir, GA
Today's Flickr photo with the most hits:
Susan, da dog, on the Kerrera ferry. Check out dat boopy schnozzle.
Funny how I find my reaction so closely related to my experience in November of our collective failure...
meet my babies, these both are photos from their first day home #dog #dogs #doglover #doglover #puppy #puppies #dogsofbluesky #dogsofmastodon #dogsofthreads #collie #aussie #shepard #pittie #pittbull #dogmom
#TGIF It didn't freeze and warmed up nicely with a lot of sun. A tiring week, and I'll rest well tonight with my buddy. Have a good evening and a great weekend, everyone.