Pour traverser la Sambre à Salzinnes, il faut emprunter un passage piéton particulier! En fait, il s'agit des battants de l'écluse!
Les fins observateurs que vous êtes auront remarqué que j'ai réussi à mettre un train en scène dans cette photo qui circule sur la ligne vers Bruxelles (la ligne dans la vallée va à Charleroi).
To cross the river Sambre in Salzinnes, an original path must be used! In fact, these are the lock gates!
And, yes, I succeeded to include a train in this photo which is on the Namur - Brussels Railway (the line in the Valley goes to Charleroi).
Another view of the same valley further down, showing the glacier's large main side moraine, also marking the last maximum extent during the Little Ice Age in the 1850s... It's hard to fathom just how much volume and ice has been lost in these past 175 years, not just in this valley... In places, this moraine is almost 200 meters tall and the valley 600 meters wide.
The Great Disappearing and Life After.
Considering it's International Year of Glaciers' Preservation (https://www.un-glaciers.org), I really need to continue working again on my photography book(let) about glaciers and surrounding landscapes in the Alps...
Bonjour! Une autre ruelle découverte hier lors de mon déplacement à Namur : la ruelle de l'Enfer! Une autre étroite ruelle reliant la chaussée de Waterloo à la rue en contrebas en passant sous le chemin de fer. Mais rassurez vous au bout du tunnel, il y avait la lumière du soleil printannier!
Bonne journée!
Good morning! Another alley discovered yesterday during my trip to Namur: the alley of Hell! Another narrow alley connecting the Chaussée de Waterloo to the street below passing under the railway. But don't worry, at the end of the tunnel, there was spring sunlight!
Have a nice day!
Mein neues Titelbild.
#wandern #wanderweg #trail
#footpathfriday #silentsunday
#zazen #hiking #zen
#Hiking the ridge of a mountain gives nonstop great views. This was my view when I snowshoed up to this ridge last month in the White #Mountains, #NewHampshire. I’ve hiked long sections of this ridge in the past, but only went a short distance this time. So great to be up there! #FootpathFriday #winter #snowshoeing
#FootPathFriday von letztem Sommer: Mit den Schafen unterwegs aufs Maiensäss...
#kleinbauern #SheepOfMastodon #schafe
Bonjour! Et bien, pour l'éclipse totale de lune, c'est raté! Il y a du brouillard... On essaiera de se rattrapper avec l'éclipse de soleil.
Pour ce #footpathfriday vous avez le choix. A gauche ou à droite. Passez un bon vendredi.
Good morning! Well, the lunar eclipse is canceled due to fog... Let's hope it works next week with the solar eclipse.
For this #footpathfriday you have the choice. Left or right. Have a good friday.
Glees (DE) - 03-2025