VicePrim-Ministrul Serbiei afirmă că spionii ruși au ajutat la înăbușirea protestelor.
„Sunt foarte recunoscător serviciilor speciale ale Rusiei, care ne sprijină întotdeauna în lupta noastră împotriva revoluțiilor colorate”.
VicePrim-Ministrul Serbiei afirmă că spionii ruși au ajutat la înăbușirea protestelor.
„Sunt foarte recunoscător serviciilor speciale ale Rusiei, care ne sprijină întotdeauna în lupta noastră împotriva revoluțiilor colorate”.
#PreședinteleSerbiei spune că va demisiona dacă se va dovedi că au fost folosite tunuri sonice pentru a sparge protestele.
Do NOT Say Protests Do Not Work
Serbia's PM Vucevic formally resigns, triggering 30-day deadline for new government
*Hundreds of thousands-- in a small country turned out to protest*
Die Schallwaffe von Serbiens Machthaber wurde identifiziert
Aufnahmen auf #SocialMedia zeigen Schallkanonen auf den Geländewagen der Bereitschaftspolizei. Der Innenminister verstrickt sich in Widersprüche....
@inthehands @StillIRise1963 @tarheel
study the history of #chile, #southkorea, #spain
look at #serbia, #georgia, #hungary today
corrupt, murderous regimes, opposed
they fought! they're fighting!
what you about you #usa?
i will not listen to arguments saying #american #democracy is doomed:
it only helps #plutocrat-#bigot malice
you fight
you #vote
now and forever
that matters
"but it should be easy"
never is and never will be
show a fucking spine
What's Fueling Pro-Western, Anti-Government Protests In Georgia, Hungary, Romania, And Serbia? (More) #Ukraine #NukesForUkraine #SouthKorea #Romania #Press #News #Taiwan #Media #Japan #NukesOrNATO #USA #US #UK #Serbia #Georgia #Hungary #EU #NATO #UnitedStates #UnitedKingdom
#EuropeanUnion #russiaUkraineWar
Aus aktuellem Anlass / Due to current events / због актуелних дешавања:
The far right with Trump, Milei, Meloni, Orban is joining forces.
Let's do the same: Let's organize protests for #democracy all over the world so the far right knows that we are more and have got more power!
#serbia #hungary #rome
15.3.2025. 300000 persone in manifestazione a Belgrado su una popolazione nazionale di meno di 7 milioni di abitanti #Serbia
Over 100,000 protest in Belgrade at an anti-government rally.
More than 100,000 protesters converged in Serbia's capital Belgrade on Saturday in what was likely the largest in a series of anti-corruption demonstrations that have upended the Balkan country in recent months.
That judges in the US are now stopping some things Trump is trying to do temporarily, this not a reason for optimism, they alone can't stop him for sure, he can overwhelm or circumvent them in the end.
What is striking is the seemingly total lack of resistance in the executive branche. The lack of massive protests.
And in Belgrado 300.000 take to the streets to protest against corruption, Americans where are you... ?
#usa #corruption #fascism #serbia #belgrado #trump #politics In #serbia 1 million protesters are on the street. I see little resistance in the #usa against #trump turning #america on a fascist country.
Over 100,000 demonstrators rally in Belgrade for massive protest against corruption in Serbian government. @CNN reports:
Pro-democracy protests in #Serbia and #Hungary.
HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS mobilizing to make their voices heard.
When governments prove hostile to civil society, when powers of arrest, detention, and deportation are weaponized and abused, when graft and nepotism are the norm, when elected opposition bows to pressure, people sometimes have to represent themselves.
Edit to add: #Romania #Bucharest too.