This beautiful scenic view with a solitary tree and snow capped mountains backdrop caught my attention while visiting Skagit Valley this week.
#TGIF It didn't freeze and warmed up nicely with a lot of sun. A tiring week, and I'll rest well tonight with my buddy. Have a good evening and a great weekend, everyone.
Massive, long-lived #trees discovered in the #Tanzanian rainforest are a new species
Tessmannia princeps (Fabaceae), a #NewSpecies of rainforest tree from the #Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania
"In addition to its massive girth, the tree grows a little taller than others around it in the rainforest... some of the newly discovered trees could be up to 3,000 years old. They are also slow growing, taking up to 15 years to add 1 centimeter of girth."
Walking home in a downpour, I first thought this was a giant spiderweb stretched across the street, but it was just the effect of a streetlight illuminating an intricate network of branches.
#photography #urbanphotography #nightphotography #monochrome #blackandwhite #rain #trees
Land of the setting sun, fantasy landscape.
Forests play an important role in the planet’s ecosystem, including microclimate regulation, biodiversity preservation, and much more. The existence of fast-growing trees may strengthen efforts to offset climate change, but which trees capture the most carbon? identifies the species that have the greatest mitigation potential:
Une bien belle journée et la découverte d'un coin pour faire des photos ferroviaires, c'est toujours bien!
Une petite série nature pour commencer.
A very nice day and even better as I found a nice place to photograph trains.
To start, a nature set.
Tree of the Year awards
300 year old Polish beech tree wins for the fourth time. The photo in the article is beautiful.
Florida in Black And White...A walk through the Myakka State Park had some real beauty...
October 16 2012
Pilsen neighborhood, Chicago, IL
#streetart #chicago #photography #trees #mural #cubs #rae
Bientôt, il y aura des milliers de pétales roses... Encore un peu de patience!
Le printemps arrive demain à 10 h 01 et 30 secondes dixit Mr Météo ce matin sur #LaPremièreRTBF
Soon there will be thousands of pink petals... but we still need to wait a bit!
Spring officially begins tomorrow at 10:01:30 following our Weather Man on the radio.
This is the most recent of my landscape drawings. Soft fresh tones that will help to welcome spring to your home.
It is available to buy...
#FediGiftShop #ScottishArtist #MastoArt #CreativeToots
#Landscape #Trees #BirchTrees #OriginalArt #Drawing #PenAndInk #ColourPencil #MixedMedia #Artwork #TraditionalArtist #ShopIndy #GiftIdeas #ArtShop #MothersDay #MothersDayGift
A morning walk in the forest for #thicktrunktuesday
#beautifulbc #canada #morningwalk #getoutside #trees #forests #woodpecker #picoftheday