#Wordle 1,376 5/6
#Wordle 1,376 5/6
#Wordle 1,375 3/6
Line 1: 1st perfect, but 5th in the wrong place.
Line 2: 1st and 4th perfect, but 5th in the wrong place.
Line 3: Won!
Wordle 1,375 4/6
Come on
#Wordle 1,375 5/6
The fucking NYT just changed the sharing mechanism. It's such a stupid move, aimed at getting more of us to surrender our data. Well fuck them, it just takes a little more effort to copy into your clipboard
#Wordle 1,375 3/6
Flushed out #Wordletrek
that word sir.
Not sure if that's the best way to describe it Spock
Hilarious toilet humour sir but space toilets are different remember.
Sucked out would be a better description
Anyway finished the 39 steps yet sir?
Yes Spock exciting for it's day I'm sure.
Our scripts go to another level though
'The devils are after me, and the police are after them. It’s a race that I mean to win.'
John Buchan
#Wordle 1,374 4/6
Line 1: 3rd and 5th correct but in the wrong place.
Line 2: 5th perfect, but 2nd and 3rd in the wrong place.
Line 3: 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th perfect.
Line 4: Won!
Wordle 1,374 4/6
Oh well,
#Wordle 1,374 5/6