Mike Myers endorses Mark Carney in this minute long spot
#ElbowsUp #never51 #Canada #BuyCanadian #Canadiana
#Trump #fascism #tariffs #TradeWar #Poilievre #protofascist
Mike Myers endorses Mark Carney in this minute long spot
#ElbowsUp #never51 #Canada #BuyCanadian #Canadiana
#Trump #fascism #tariffs #TradeWar #Poilievre #protofascist
Apparently it costs 14 cents to make an American nickel. More than half of the nickel is imported from Canada.
#buycanadian #buyamericannickles
It would be interesting if global lawsuits were brought against the USA and other countries for destruction of the environment and health in regards to pollution of the global commons
We are One World
#BuyCanadian #BuyLocal #DictatorTrump #BoycottUSA #BoycottMusk
A Trade War imposed on Canada by Dictator Trump is not an excuse to rip up environmental laws and boost oil and gas further
We need to continue to de-carbonize our lives, businesses, government and organizations and vastly increase our parkland forever
We need to end all subsidies to oil, gas, coal and nuclear, and instead vigorously turn our attention and dollars to clean renewables
A new future, not back to the past
#BuyCanadian #BuyLocal #DictatorTrump #BoycottUSA #BoycottMusk
Elbows up! cartoon 4 panels:
1. [Canada geese] We're not flying South this year.
2. With all the threats and nonsense going on, it's best we just stay here and find food.
3. [blank]
4. Hey, look! A poutine truck!!
#ElbowsUp #ElbowsUpCanada #BuyCanadian
#Trump #fascism #tariffs #TradeWar
#TheMoment 'Elbows Up' became a rally cry against Trump
#Canada #SovereignNation #ElbowsUP #never51 #CanPol #tariffs #BuyCanadian #hockey #GordieHowe #MrHockey
#Trump #fascism #Trumpism #traitors #Poilievre #Gretzky #Chistofascism #transgenocide
Any newsletter service hosted in Canada? Alternative to #Klaviyo #Mailchimp
In response to tariff threats, stores here are putting #BuyCanadian maple leaf stickers on the shelves to mark made-in-Canada products -- although some of them might not actually be Canadian: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/grocery-store-labels-maple-leaf-canadian-1.7477488
His name is not President Trump
His name is not Donald Trump or The Trump or whatever
His name is Dictator Trump
The Emperor has no clothes
Tell it like it is
#BuyCanadian #BuyLocal #DictatorTrump #BoycottUSA #BoycottMusk
US Food Safety Jeopardized by Onslaught of Funding and Staff Cuts | NY Times
Not safe to consume. Another reason to #BuyCanadian
I try to stick with local #Vancouver #MadeInCanada ice-cream and gelato businesses.
More local ingredients
some organic
less chemicals
#BuyCanadian such as:
Rain or Shine Ice-Cream
Ernest Ice-Cream
La Casa Gelato
Bella Gelateria
Detaching from US systems, 22/x
In my opinion it is best to start your #boycottus journey by picking the low-hanging fruit first. By this I mean services that are not subject to #networkeffect or #vendorlockin. This gives you easy wins and keeps up the motivation. Good examples are backup and file synchronization services, calendar applications, navigation applications, chat applications for teams and project management software.
#American #Gestapo wannabes in #ICE have now abducted a #Canadian small-business woman and former actor, Jasmine Mooney who was traveling to San Diego to renew her work visa. She has been shackled inhumanely in #Arizonistan for two weeks. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/jasmine-mooney-actor-detained-by-ice_n_67d83e6be4b0dade360cd495
Anybody got any thoughts on a viable Discord replacement that I can use for playing games with relatively non-technical friends?
I'd prefer a low-cost SaaS approach, if the data is not stored in the US, but I'm willing to self-host, if it's not overly complex to maintain.
I really only need text chat and the ability to create group VoIP calls, but it's going to be very hard to convince people to move to a dated application like Mumble, and unfortunately not all participants are Canadians or Europeans who will understand the need to take a bit of pain.
Curious what people are doing in this space.
Detaching from US systems, 14/x
My third principle is "prefer european", or more generally "prefer software developed in other democratic nations". This is mainly to reduce the political weaponization risk arising from the US. An added benefit is that over time the european software companies might become competitive with those originating from the US.
Detaching from US systems, 1/x
In the recent months you have probably noticed that the US government is not trustworthy. It seems that US is rapidly sliding towards authoritarianism, oligarchy or even a sort of christo-fascism.
What should we, individuals and organizations located in democractic nations, do about all the dependencies we have to US-made or US-operated IT systems, software and services?
Les Leyne: British Columbia Premier David Eby grabs maximum power for tariff war
When Bill 7 passes, Premier David Eby will be the most powerful premier in BC’s history for the two years the emergency measures are in effect
#bcpoli #EmergencyMeasures #TradeWar
#BuyCanadian #BuyLocal #DictatorTrump #BoycottUSA #BoycottMusk
@cbcnews Your headline: “Should Canada turn the other cheek?” is so offensive that words fail me. We are not ever contemplating “turning the other cheek”. We are promoting #BuyCanadian, we are building new trade agreements, we are loudly proclaiming our Canadian pride and posting #ElbowsUp. You should be reinforcing this rather than trying to play devil’s advocate. There is no negotiating with evil, no pacifying a bully. #ShameOnYou. #FourthEstateFilth https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/tariffs-retaliatory-1.7482385
US produce wears out welcome with Victoria, British Columbia grocery store
The store says it has made moves to source all 380 of its fruits and vegetable from non-American growers
“Prior to all of this, one of our most popular spinach was Popeye Spinach. We used to sell 60 to 80 bags a day of that stuff,” said Innis. “In the last week that we had it, we sold two bags. That’s a message.”
#BuyCanadian #BuyLocal #DictatorTrump #BoycottUSA #BoycottMusk #yyj #VictoriaBC