A Solar #eclipse, equinox, and a supermoon (new or full Moon at perigee) all occurred on the same day OTD in 2015 https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/chile/eclipse/?s=mb #travel #astronomy #history

A Solar #eclipse, equinox, and a supermoon (new or full Moon at perigee) all occurred on the same day OTD in 2015 https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/chile/eclipse/?s=mb #travel #astronomy #history
This photo is insane. Dude went to Alaska to capture the #eclipse and the Northern Lights appeared behind it.
(Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/DHTysJtvv4Q/?igsh=YzZ0aWMxYjlzaWF4)
Photographer’s Once-in-a-Lifetime Shots of the Lunar Eclipse and Aurora https://petapixel.com/2025/03/17/photographers-once-in-a-lifetime-shots-of-the-lunar-eclipse-and-aurora/ #totalunareclipse #capturetheatlas #northernlights #lunareclipse #Inspiration #Spotlight #Features #danzafra #nightsky #eclipse #Travel #alaska #aurora #night #space #moon #sky
Are you confident in your scientific knowledge? Take a science quiz from @SciAm
I did sit out in the backyard for about 15 minutes around 1:30 AM this morning to look at the #eclipse.
I had made up a thermos of sweet red tea in honor of the red moon (hibiscus, honey, pomegranate and other delicious things) before I went to bed, so that was warm and waiting for me next to my glasses case on the kitchen table.
I feel very mooned-up now, between the bike trip to the field to watch it rise and then getting up to see it eclipsed. Ahhhhh.
Every time I look at our only considerably-sized orbiting body, I wonder if it feels lonely? I've been reading space fiction again this week. Our space in general feels really lonely to me.
■ Sigue en directo el eclipse lunar total ■ El fenómeno teñirá el satélite natural de un tono ocre durante más de una hora y será visible en América y Europa después de la medianoche del jueves.
Lovely morning this morning. Got to see some of the early stages of the eclipse, and we’ve just seen a pair of green finches back on the feeders
Here's a quick and dirty edit of one of the frames I got (the camera is still running lol)
Update: it was so quick and dirty that I didn't realize it was upside down (it's correct now lol)
Acabou o eclipse pra mim, o céu aqui ficou encoberto pra oeste poucos minutos antes do pico do #Eclipse. Mas estou satisfeito, duvido que conseguisse perceber alguma diferença a olho nu ou com o binóculo.
Ao mesmo tempo, estou triste. Eu realmente achei que o céu estava encoberto e não conseguiria ver nada, já que não via nenhuma estrela no céu. E aprendi que não eram nuvens me impedindo de ver as estrelas, era a poluição. A Lua, sendo muito brilhante, quase não é afetada pela poluição, mas as estrelas simplesmente não estavam visíveis. E me assustei ao perceber que o nível de poluição aqui chegou a tal ponto de somente serem visíveis as estrelas de primeira magnitude. Quando eu era criança, eu conseguia ver as Pleiades a olho nu. Como conseguimos chegar a esse ponto em tão pouco tempo?!
Moon status: Hey, someone took half the moon. What the heck
Special Lunar Eclipse soundtrack featuring Steve Roach tonight on Drone Zone, and music about the Moon on Deep Space One tonight to celebrate the #eclipse
Moon status: Definitely starting to look a bit darker on one side.
The eclipse doesn't officially start for another hour or so, but here's the moon, if anyone is wondering what it looks like right now lol
#astronomie qui se lève à 6h pour tenter de voir l' #éclipse de Lune demain matin?
Due to clouds, rain & snow, we likely won't see much of the total lunar eclipse in Montana and Wyoming overnight (~12:30 to ~1:30). Instead, here is a delicious-looking Oreo cookie eclipse!