Check out this exceptional sea cucumber from Singapore. Real nature can be more bizarre than fiction.
The photograph is by @budak, well worth a follow on both Mastodon and Flickr. They find and photograph amazing animals.

Check out this exceptional sea cucumber from Singapore. Real nature can be more bizarre than fiction.
The photograph is by @budak, well worth a follow on both Mastodon and Flickr. They find and photograph amazing animals.
Monterey Bay FC was brave to launch a new mascot, call it Kelpie, which looks like an off brand Gritty, and nothing like kelp.
I know a bunch of marine scientists who are annoyed about this
Exciting work studying the chemical bonds in membrane lipids of #archaea (#marine #microbes) which are often used for #paleoclimate reconstructions suggests improvements to #temperature reconstructions.
More evidence #MicroPlastics are causing harm to humans
#Marine Microplastics Linked to Neurologic Dysfunction
Very nice study @Palaeo3 by Petrizzo et al. reviewing and synthesizing #extinction of several shallow #marine #organisms during Ocean Anoxic Event 2, a period ~94 million years ago with widespread #oxygen depletion in Earth's #oceans with lessons for the future