good morning, enjoy a crime cat.
#TheCrimeCats say the author was rudely awakened some time in the wee hours by a single sharp trill from the house's smoke alarm and was unable to get back to restful sleep. perfect day to go visit family.
good morning, enjoy a crime cat.
#TheCrimeCats say the author was rudely awakened some time in the wee hours by a single sharp trill from the house's smoke alarm and was unable to get back to restful sleep. perfect day to go visit family.
Today, Fu discusses why he chose to have the Red Moon leave the orbit of the Blue Planet.
good morning, enjoy a crime cat.
#TheCrimeCats say do this to cop cars.
good morning, enjoy a crime cat.
#TheCrimeCats say you aren't being hunted, you're being farmed.
April 14th will be INKSGIVING in Tapastic this year -so if you want to give me a birthday gift that day, go ahead and drop me some ink next month!
You can follow my comic about my rare, neurological sleep disorder here:
I also handle topics like beainfog, medical misinformation, gaslighting, and ableism, so it does reach a bit further than just IH. (:
"I'm surrounded by troublemakers."
-Fu (Probably)
Also, Aiden gives practical parenting advice today!
New Ultraviolents page is up! Three point maneuvers.
Read for free:
Early updates and support:
Wanna read about future romans, computers, aliens and... War?? Then maybe O Sarilho is the webcomic for you!
It's Tuesday and here's your weekly reminder that you too can help the comic by buying me a ko-fi
Fu attempts to brainstorm a way off the moon, and struggles with lack of beard, as they make their way through the Subterrane.
Tirinha #557 (10/05/2012): Processamento rápido #developerslife #webcomic #bolhadev
When Kiemiss and Leona play glamour dress-up, they go for trying on the Lunar armor! Still, her brother Xenoss is not impressed.
See on DA:
And Cara:
Tirinha #468 (01/03/2012): X9 #developerslife #webcomic #bolhadev
Starring Aiden as the annoying little brother and Fu as the scolding big brother. All is right in the world.
Tirinha #341 (11/11/2011): Dentro do prazo #developerslife #webcomic #bolhadev
Tirinha #780 (25/10/2012): Privacidade no Facebook #developerslife #webcomic #bolhadev
Useless Facts, Badly Drawn #58: Williamina Fleming. And Happy International Women's Day!