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Protect your home with Storm Shield Construction LLC! ️
High-quality roofing services.
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Protect your home with Storm Shield Construction LLC! ️
High-quality roofing services.
Call us at 832-276-9409
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Protect your home with Storm Shield Construction LLC! ️
High-quality roofing services.
Call us at 832-276-9409
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Protect your home with Storm Shield Construction LLC! ️
High-quality roofing services.
Call us at 832-276-9409
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Protect your home with Storm Shield Construction LLC! ️
High-quality roofing services.
Call us at 832-276-9409
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"We're aware, we don't have a Ministry of Works, so the government always contracts with the private sector to build things."
#BarbaraEdmonds, Labour finance spokesperson, 2025
So your policy is to rebuild the Ministry of Works, so Aotearoa has the capacity to build out own public infrastructure again, right? Without handing over millions of dollars in private profits to an oligopoly of giant construction corporations.
Oh you're not? Why?
Last month, I was surprised to receive an "ICE Raid Action Plan" from the Assoc of General Contractors of America. Now they are offering a webinar titled, "Be Ready When ICE Arrives at the Jobsite".
AND there's another one called, "Culture of CARE Forum: Navigating New DEI Liability & Preserving Inclusion Culture in 2025".
JIC you needed further evidence that the current Republican platform is not aligned w/ the interests of business & industry.
Toutes les entretoises sont posées ! Ouf ! Manquent quelques croix de contreventement dans les angles et dans la toiture, puis le lattis sur les entretoises pour éviter la formation de poches d'eau dans la bâche.