Rep Jim McGovern calls for a nationwide General Strike. This a mainstream Democrat, asking the public to break the law. Yes, General Strikes have been illegal in the U.S. since the 1947 Taft-Hartley bill, written in the wake of the 1945-1946 strike wave, the largest strike wave in the history of the U.S., when literally millions of workers went on strike, from steel, electricity, automotive, to coal, electricity and numerous other industries. This strike wave included General Strikes in Lancaster, Pennsylvania; Stamford, Connecticut; Rochester, New York; and Oakland, California. In total, 4.3 million workers participated in the strikes. It was the closest things we've ever had to a nationwide General Strike since the Great Upheaval, 1877.
Also, remember that the 1968 upheaval in Paris, which spread throughout France, was students AND workers, included a General Strike, and forced Charles de Gaulle to flee the country as his government collapsed