Earlier today I was looking for a tool to quickly find the center of a map region. But in the end it was much faster to just build something on my own #BuildInPublic #SwiftUI
If you are looking for information on SwiftUI navigation, the following article may help you:
S4E5: @mikaelacaron and @twostraws talk networking – mostly about getting computers to talk to each other, but also, just as dauntingly, about talking to other humans at conferences too.
Plus: news, Apple delays, and the trifling little matter of the major changes you’re hoping to see in #Xcode, #SwiftUI, #SwiftData and more as #WWDC25 rolls around!
Custom Bindings in #SwiftUI don’t have to be confusing!
Learn how custom bindings can simplify your code and give you more control—especially with optional values like String?, Int?, and Date? #iosDev Watch now: https://youtu.be/t6bNewsQGJI
Introducing FlowNavigation.
A new SwiftUI framework for building linear flows—like onboarding or sign-up—in a clean, declarative way.
Read more + code examples: https://www.magnuskahr.dk/posts/2025/03/announcing-FlowNavigation/
If you are looking for material on using the MVVM architecture in SwiftUI apps, check out the following guide:
The Swift Playground You Wanted™ https://notepadexe.com #swift #swiftui
Auch wenn es mich selbst schon nervt, ich muss euch nochmal belaestigen...
Ich suche ab sofort einen neuen Job als #iOS und/oder #macOS Software-Entwickler. Ich hab viele Jahre Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet, kenne #ObjectiveC, #Swift, #SwiftUI, #Git, #Xcode und... naja, die ganze Toolchain drumherum eben.
Ich suche eine Remote-Only Festanstellung, keinen Freelance-Job (Vorzugsweise in Österreich, Deutschland geht aber auch). Wenn es in der Naehe von #Bregenz oder #Dornbirn ist, dann auch gerne Onsite.
Wenn ihr jemanden kennt, der jemanden kennt... ihr wisst schon.
Ich danke euch fuers rege Teilen/Boosten.
I made a Mac productivity app!
…puts a command bar underneath your Finder windows and lets you use natural language to convert media, manage files, perform calculations and more!
The following article shows how to use Instruments to see how many times your SwiftUI views redraw:
aspectRatio in SwiftUI is a modifier that we've all used mostly to resize images. But the truth is that we can use it in more views too, providing custom ratio values.
Explore everything about aspectRatio in my most recent post
#iOSDev #SwiftUI