Amiberry is an Amiga emulator based on the current WinUAE version for Linux and macOS. The new version 7.0.6 offers several improvements and bug fixes.
Amiberry is an Amiga emulator based on the current WinUAE version for Linux and macOS. The new version 7.0.6 offers several improvements and bug fixes.
Hey @codeweavers fix in-game input support regression in Need for Speed: Underground 2 that's been in CrossOver since release 24.
The game has been unplayable since CrossOver 24 including the latest CrossOver 25. Thanks.
CrossOver 25: Next Level Gaming on Mac
Want to to delete all `foo` commands from your bash history. Here is how to do it with some bash kung-fu:
line=$(history | grep 'foo' | awk '{ print $1 }' | sort -r)
history -d $line
See for more info.
Auch wenn es mich selbst schon nervt, ich muss euch nochmal belaestigen...
Ich suche ab sofort einen neuen Job als #iOS und/oder #macOS Software-Entwickler. Ich hab viele Jahre Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet, kenne #ObjectiveC, #Swift, #SwiftUI, #Git, #Xcode und... naja, die ganze Toolchain drumherum eben.
Ich suche eine Remote-Only Festanstellung, keinen Freelance-Job (Vorzugsweise in Österreich, Deutschland geht aber auch). Wenn es in der Naehe von #Bregenz oder #Dornbirn ist, dann auch gerne Onsite.
Wenn ihr jemanden kennt, der jemanden kennt... ihr wisst schon.
Ich danke euch fuers rege Teilen/Boosten.
I have an old #mac mini in the office, and would like set up a persistent reverse tunnel so I can always SSH in from home.
Running the ssh command manually isn't a problem, but how do I turn this into a persistent service on #macos so it restarts when the connection drops for whatever reason? Anything in #homebrew ? (The Mac in question is on #mojave 14.7 IIRC, if that helps.)
OMG y'all I just learned about an open source app called Whisky, which pretty much does for MacOS what Proton does for Linux: _lets you run Windows games_.
I just successfully used it to install Steam and Skyrim, and ran through the first bit of Helgen. Sound and screen size were a little wonky, but I think that may be finessable, I'm going to play with this some more. And if I can fix THOSE things, then I'll see if the _real_ challenge will work:
_Modding_ Skyrim on the Mac using this tool. :D
Hi all, is there a keyboard shortcut in VLC for Mac to seek back/forward within a track? The rewind/fast-forward media keys only switch tracks. #MacOS #Voiceover #Blind #Technology #VLC #KeyboardShortcuts
The last two releases of MacOS v15.3.1 and v15.3.2 re-enable the Apple Intelligence automatically.
Rather than using dark patterns they should improve their products. I realize they're targeting cutesy BS they should start acquiring people who appear to be winning. Go back to the appealing to nerds first strategy, go buy Cursor or something.
If you're a #MacOS user and want to keep a duplicate of your data on another disk that you update regularly, I recommend SuperDuper. You can set it up with an automated routine that automatically updates the backup disk when you plug it in. No lauching the app. No quitting it or ejecting the disk, either. It does all that automatically.
I also use Time Machine to back up my entire system. AND I store important data, encrypted, in the cloud.
This week in my search for a macOS+iOS alternative to Firefox I’m trying out Kagi’s Orion browser on macOS and iOS. It's WebKit based.
Pros: no telemetry (they say); built in ad and tracking blocking; can install Chrome and Firefox extensions; it can run uBlock Origin (even in iOS!).
Cons: not open source (their FAQ says they're "working on it”); requires iCloud for bookmark and tab syncing; WebKit.
Thoughts? #browsers #privacy #kagi #orion #OrionBrowser #macOS #iOS #WebKit
Do you organize your desktop icons, or is it just a mess of screenshots and downloads?
C — consistency
What is your favorite terminal, and why?
I can't get over how good this looks...
This beautiful 3D printed M4 Mac Mini case uses a 9.7" iPad panel for its display. It features the signatures of the original Mac Team embossed on the bottom. The designer, @jerrod also has a version that works as a display stand for the @trmnl e-ink smart display.
You can check out more of Jerrod's designs and support his work over on Makerworld--