A must read for web developers: "Who's Afraid of a Hard Page Load?" https://unplannedobsolescence.com/blog/hard-page-load/ #webdev #webdevelopment #spa #ux #browsers
A must read for web developers: "Who's Afraid of a Hard Page Load?" https://unplannedobsolescence.com/blog/hard-page-load/ #webdev #webdevelopment #spa #ux #browsers
This week in my search for a macOS+iOS alternative to Firefox I’m trying out Kagi’s Orion browser on macOS and iOS. It's WebKit based.
Pros: no telemetry (they say); built in ad and tracking blocking; can install Chrome and Firefox extensions; it can run uBlock Origin (even in iOS!).
Cons: not open source (their FAQ says they're "working on it”); requires iCloud for bookmark and tab syncing; WebKit.
Thoughts? #browsers #privacy #kagi #orion #OrionBrowser #macOS #iOS #WebKit
Plotting browser support data in a catalog shows the evolution of the web platform in terms of number and availability of features.
The @w3c WebDX #CommunityGroup has completed a first nearly complete catalog of web features targeted at web #developers, along with support data across main #browsers. The catalog already powers @mdn, Can I use, and is now being integrated in tools and libraries.
Feedback welcome! https://github.com/web-platform-dx/web-features