I'm longing for butterflies...happy Monday!
Available here..https://tina-lecour.pixels.com/featured/pink-and-gold-butterfly-splash-tina-lecour.html
We also saw butterflies and a squirrel during our waddle
#NaturePhotography #Nature #squirrel #butterfly
RE: https://pixelfed.social/p/Stephan/809013308986966781
Insektentankstelle Winterschneeball (Viburnum bodnantense).
Dieses Mal ein Tagpfauenauge (Aglais io).
Joyful Explosion, ink painting.
ART -https://deborahleaguefineart.etsy.com/listing/703943443/joyful-explosion-colorful-garden-with
Swallowtail, newly eclosed. Photo from June, 2016.
The number of Monarch butterflies wintering in Mexico rebounded this year #environment #wildlife #butterfly #butterflies #climate #ClimateChange https://apnews.com/article/monarch-butterflies-mexico-climate-change-8b34f96d0441da8eb53977373659e463
"In 2024 a #butterfly emergency was called because of record low numbers, while experts have also warned of a worrying drop in #moths and #bees
France banned all pesticide use in towns and cities almost a decade ago, while countries across the EU have stopped #pesticides being used in urban areas. This year the UK government finally banned the emergency use of bee-killing pesticides. Now they must go further and ban pesticides in our local areas, to protect pollinators"