Hello Spring
Cast your vote for my Doors, Glorious Doors community choice door of the week
This week's theme is: Wisteria Doors.
Will it be Team #Ireland, Team #Netherlands, or Team #England that wins the title this week?
Hello Spring
Cast your vote for my Doors, Glorious Doors community choice door of the week
This week's theme is: Wisteria Doors.
Will it be Team #Ireland, Team #Netherlands, or Team #England that wins the title this week?
Will Team #Netherlands take the #door of the week crown this time? The theme is #Spring wisteria doors. #doors #DoorPhotography #Travel #TravelPhotography #Photography #Springtime #flowers
Posted into Doors, Glorious doors! @doors-glorious-doors-sidewalksafari
#Palestine / Frontline of colonization: Dutch Christian organizations funding Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank
Dutch Christian organizations, particularly "Christenen voor Israël" (Christians for Israel), are collecting millions of euros annually to support Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, with at least €420,000 documented as going directly to at least 15 settlements in 2023. Christians for Israel has deep connections with Dutch politics, particularly with the #ChristenUnie party, with board members in both organizations.
In an undercover investigation, reporters posed as potential donors and spoke with Nati Rom, who runs a Dutch-registered foundation. Rom explicitly offered to use donations for "cameras, pepper gas and pistols" and discussed ways to hide these transactions.
These settlements are considered illegal under international law, and supporting them contradicts Dutch and European policy regarding the two-state solution. This funding contributes to the displacement of Palestinian residents.
When confronted, Christians for Israel denied financing weapons and promised to stop supporting Nati Rom pending further investigation. Other organizations mentioned in the article were either not available for comment or stated they don't distinguish between where people live in Israel.
Dutch https://www.groene.nl/artikel/camera-s-pepperspray-en-pistolen
#SettlerColonialism #Zionism #ChristianZionizm
#Nederland #Netherlands
Dutch Golden Age painter Pieter de Hooch, who died OTD in 1684, was famous for his genre works of quiet domestic scenes with an open doorway https://toilet-guru.com/netherlands.html?s=mb #travel #Netherlands
Just one Week left to apply for a talk at T-DOSE by T-DOSE Foundation on 31 May - 10 June 2025 in De Weeffabriek in #Geldrop, #Netherlands
Find out more at: https://foss.events/2025/05-31-t-dose.html
"Estimates suggest 30,000 took to the streets of Amsterdam to protest racism and fascism yesterday."
"NRG-Pallas - operator of the High Flux Reactor at Petten in the Netherlands - has been contracted by Kairos Power of the USA to perform irradiation demonstrations and qualifications of fuels and materials that will be used in its small modular reactor.
Under the contract, NRG-Pallas will conduct fuel irradiation tests in the High Flux Reactor (HFR) to demonstrate the performance level required. Based on this, Kairos Power will be able to demonstrate to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) how the fuel meets the safety and performance requirements.
In addition, NRG-Pallas will perform irradiation tests that characterise the response of graphite to high levels of neutron exposure and demonstrate the safety limits of the graphite structures. The post-irradiation properties of the graphite are an important benchmark for NRC licensing and provide information on the safety of the reactor technology.
Irradiation tests will also be performed on the stainless-steel material used for the reactor vessel and structural components. The purpose of this testing is to demonstrate compliance with the safety and design requirements for licensing activities of the NRC.
NRG-Pallas said it has been conducting research into the use of graphite for Kairos Power for several years. "The new contracts are an important continuation of the long-term relationship with this innovative developer of advanced reactors," it said.
Kairos Power has adopted a rapid iterative development approach and vertical integration strategy to bring its Fluoride Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Reactor (KP-FHR) technology to market. Site work and excavation for a low-power demonstration reactor version, Hermes, began at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, last year after the NRC issued a construction permit in 2023, targeted to be operational by 2027. The NRC has also completed the final environmental assessment for the construction of the next iteration - the two-unit power-producing Hermes 2 plant - which is also planned to be built at Oak Ridge.
The KP-FHR will use fully ceramic TRISO (tri-structural isotropic) pebble-type fuel. The Hermes and Hermes 2 demonstration plants will feature units with a thermal capacity of 35 MW each. The two 35 MWt units at Hermes 2 are intended to power a common turbine generator set to produce about 20 MW electric (MWe).
Kairos envisages its commercial KP-FHR offering as dual unit plants, with two 75 MWe units for a total of 150 MWe of power output.
A deal signed in October last year by Kairos and Google will support the first commercial deployment of Kairos Power's reactor by 2030, with multiple reactors supplying clean electricity to Google data centres through power purchase agreements.
"With the current digitalisation, the demand for electricity is increasing," said Arjan Vreeling, Manager R&D Nuclear Fuels and Materials at NRG-Pallas. "Companies like Google are looking ahead and are meeting their own future energy needs with SMRs. We are proud that Kairos Power, a leading company in the field of advanced reactors, has assigned this innovative research to us."
Micah Hackett, Vice President, Fuels and Materials at Kairos Power, added: "Kairos Power depends on accurate and reliable irradiation data to advance its reactor technology and support both design and permitting processes. With decades of expertise in generating high-quality irradiation data, NRG-Pallas is a trusted partner to help Kairos Power meet its cost and schedule obligations as it builds reactors for Google.""
For a #SilentSunday, this featured photo on my iPad is perfect.
This is Schokland. A former Dutch island, now surrounded by land. You know…we drained all the water from the Netherlands and that is why the sea levels are rising.
The #German magazine #Stern urges people to prepare for war:
"Would you go fight for #Germany? None of us wants war, but we must prepare for it now."
In addition, #Italy announced its intention to increase the size of its armed forces from 160,000 to 200,000 troops, the #Netherlands from 74,000 to 200,000, and #Poland from 200,000 to 300,000.
A number of #NATO countries are also increasing their defence budgets. It seems that #Europe is indeed preparing for a potential war.
natuur #Biesbosch #natuurfotografie #vogelfotografie #vogels #nederland #dutch #netherlands #naturephotography #nature #wildlife #birds #birdsphotography #sonyalpha #sonyalpha7rv #DXO #birdwatching
Altena (Nbr)
Long-eared owl
(Sony A7RV - 200-600mm)
natuur #Biesbosch #natuurfotografie #vogelfotografie #vogels #nederland #dutch #netherlands #naturephotography #nature #wildlife #birds #birdsphotography #sonyalpha #sonyalpha7rv #DXO #birdwatching
Boswachterij Dorst
Gewone pad
Common toad
(Sony A7RV - 200-600mm)
natuur #Biesbosch #natuurfotografie #vogelfotografie #vogels #nederland #dutch #netherlands #naturephotography #nature #wildlife #birds #birdsphotography #sonyalpha #sonyalpha7rv #DXO #birdwatching
Utrecht, Overvecht Noord
Bosuil takkeling/jong ~5/6 weeks
Tawny Owl juv. ~ 5/6 weeks
(Sony A7RV - 200-600mm)
natuur #Biesbosch #natuurfotografie #vogelfotografie #vogels #nederland #dutch #netherlands #naturephotography #nature #wildlife #birds #birdsphotography #sonyalpha #sonyalpha7rv #DXO #birdwatching
Utrecht, Overvecht Noord
Tawny Owl
(Sony A7RV - 200-600mm)
natuur #Biesbosch #natuurfotografie #vogelfotografie #vogels #nederland #dutch #netherlands #naturephotography #nature #wildlife #birds #birdsphotography #sonyalpha #sonyalpha7rv #DXO #birdwatching
Empe, Empese en Tondense heide
Great Grey Shrike
(Sony A7RV - 200-600mm)
natuur #Biesbosch #natuurfotografie #vogelfotografie #vogels #nederland #dutch #netherlands #naturephotography #nature #wildlife #birds #birdsphotography #sonyalpha #sonyalpha7rv #DXO #birdwatching
Eagle owl
Broedend in steengroeve
Breeding in quarry
Long distance.
(Sony A7RV - 200-600mm)
Mooi, volle dam bij demonstratie tegen fascisme.
#tegenfascisme #againstfascism #netherlands #amsterdam