#stem #science #space #astronomy #spiffy
Event Horizon Telescope doesn't need eyes to "see" accelerating jets from black holes

#stem #science #space #astronomy #spiffy
Event Horizon Telescope doesn't need eyes to "see" accelerating jets from black holes
#sports #basketball #marchmadness #ncaa #spiffy #Michigan
"No team in NCAA history (since the Sweet 16 was introduced in 1975) has ever lost as many games in one season and reached the second weekend of the tournament the next." Until now
#entertainment #musical #music #spiffy
"Fire and Rain" James Taylor musical in the works. Get it? Works
#cats #cafe #spiffy #SouthDakota
The Cattitude Cafe is dropping sandwiches, wraps and salads from its menu to make room for more Siamese, calicos, gingers and tabbies to be petted, admired and adopted
#entertainment #music #rock #spiffy
Looks like Radiohead may be back. What the hell are they doing here?