Ich wünsche euch ein wunderschönes Wochenende!
Pink Rose - handgemaltes Pastellgemälde
--> https://www.artheroes.de/de/motiv/Pink-Rose-Pastellgemaelde/1696348
It’s #Friday folks!
…what the…what the…
It’s Friday?
Last time I was here it was only Monday…
Where did that week go?
We’ll deal with that later.
In the meantime have the best #weekend you can.
You know the drill:
Be #kind
Be #gentle
Be #true
Be like #bees
And don’t be a Nazi.
Here’s one I made earlier
A bee not a Nazi!
Should I Stay or Should I Go Now? 30 Days Until Martial Law...?
By Jessica Wildfire • 20 Mar 2025.
And she links https://19thnews.org/2025/03/safe-travel-trans-americans-passport-policy/
"Meanwhile, corporate media asks, “Can he do that?” These stories are engineered to distract the public with technicalities. While everyone’s debating what they can and can’t do, they are doing it.
We know this administration’s pattern of loose interpretation when it comes to law and historical precedent. There’s no reason to believe he’ll stop here, instead using this act to use force against anyone his administration considers a threat, regardless of their status or what they’re protesting.
You also have to remember this country has a long, established history of censoring speech and leading witch hunts. During WWI, god help you if you didn’t buy enough liberty bonds or called yourself a pacifist.
We’re the land of moral panics.
Every single one of this administration’s actions have been building toward this moment, when the president suspends our civil and human rights. It explains why they’ve taken such aggressive action toward federal agencies, firing tens of thousands of workers and purging their ranks of anyone who might say no. They’ve already been testing boundaries, daring courts to stop them as they shut down government operations and kidnap U.S. citizens."
Zombies have broken out in New York!
Tags: #MarvelRP #MCU #roleplay #rp #roleplayaccount #rpgroup #OC #art #artist #rpg #fandom #Marvel #writing #writer #mastodon #weekend #twitter #sw #reddit #disney # #news #fantasy #JCINKpremium #forum #threads #CreativeToots #ad #JCINKpremium #Xmen97 #TheWatcher #wolverine #MarvelSnap #zombies #thewalkingdead
in continuation of the post misplaced on the #tengri thread... the #hashtag #productive #weekend continues!
https://codeberg.org/Frieder_Hannenheim is on a roll, go give him some love!
Today is a day of relaxation. Crocheting and brainstorming ideas for my next novel. It’s sunny but cold outside so I will stay inside and enjoy the warmth of the sun through the windows. My TMD is killing me, but the forced relaxation is definitely helping. Hope everyone has a good weekend!
#weekend #relaxing
I'm using my weekend to tidy up my Podcast and RSS feed. It's getting out of hand, so I'm starting from scratch. I made a backup, just in case I want to go back to my chaos later.
Tomorrow, my dad is coming over for a visit and we'll have some coffee.
On Sunday, I'm going to my friend's birthday party. We're going bowling, eating pizza, and then checking out his new apartment.
How's your weekend going?
Finally, the #weekend is almost here. Soon we can all get a moment to recharge. Looking forward to it.