"Coles and Woolworths have so much power that they don't need to compete hard on price," the ACCC supermarket inquiry found. Their gain is our pain. #remahformoreton #auspol #CostOfLivingCrisis #EndTheDuopoly #PeopleBeforeProfits #VoteGreens
"Coles and Woolworths have so much power that they don't need to compete hard on price," the ACCC supermarket inquiry found. Their gain is our pain. #remahformoreton #auspol #CostOfLivingCrisis #EndTheDuopoly #PeopleBeforeProfits #VoteGreens
At last Australians can vote for a smart defence policy that's actually about defence, made in Australia, rather than paying a fortune for attack machines from the Untied States that they can switch on and off remotely.
#auspol #australia #defense #politics
Edit fixed broken link
Renewables are cheap. So why isn’t your power bill falling? #Renewables #AusPol
He can't.
He can play hide and go fuck himself.
There, you now don't need to read an article.
Fuck fascists. Fuck America.
MUA joins call on Maersk to end arms shipments to Israel https://www.greenleft.org.au/content/mua-joins-call-maersk-end-arms-shipments-israel #Auspol
This should be our national anthem!
Can you imagine if at the opening of parliament, every official and sporting event
everyone loudly sung together
"Wassamatter you
Itsa not so bad
Itsa nice place
Ahhh shaddupa you face"
#Australia #Auspol #auspolitcs
#australiaday #changethedate
#music #funny
Would just like to say very loudly that ISRAEL IS A TERRORIST STATE, and pay homage to @BlippyTheWonderSlug who pops up every morning with this, on a daily basis, and has done so for a long time.
I simply can't believe what is happening in Palestine, while the world watches on, rewarding Israel's bad behaviour. #AusPol #FreePalestine
The Research We Lost (previous Boost)
That WE refers to everybody on the planet
He is not just destroying america's future
for more money that he does not need???
He is destroying the whole planet's future
OUR planet
with his mental disease called GREED
I want to mention here that Australia is currently being attacked by USA medical corporations for having the PBS Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (cheaper socialised medicine for all).
If the US starts an economic war on this point there’s a good chance that the entire spectrum of the local population from Green to Nazi is going to completely lose their shit at the USA. Perhaps try practicing that Canadian accent. #auspol
Fossil fuel subsidies hit $15 billion, as crossbench seeks reform https://australiainstitute.org.au/post/fossil-fuel-subsidies-hit-15-billion-as-crossbench-seeks-reform/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=fossil-fuel-subsidies-hit-15-billion-as-crossbench-seeks-reform #Auspol
The big stink of Tasmanian Salmon farms – six times more pollution than Tasmanian sewage https://australiainstitute.org.au/post/the-big-stink-of-tasmanian-salmon-farms-six-times-more-pollution-than-tasmanian-sewage/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-big-stink-of-tasmanian-salmon-farms-six-times-more-pollution-than-tasmanian-sewage #Auspol
What is the Western Alliance waiting for? The United States to reverse trajectory? Suddenly not become a hostile power. Suddenly toss the Russia play-book? Suddenly stop destroying decades of trade agreements and security arrangement?
It's a fucking hostile power. Why is it being appeased like it's 1938?
Move fast. Move hard. Sanction it. Isolate it. Show strength for fuck sake. This fantasy of a return to 2020, like it will all reverse magically in 2028, will end in disaster and we all know what form that will take.
PSA: in Australia, ABC News has a ton of RSS feeds (but they don't link to them anywhere, and I've found at least one page that wants us to think they don't have any).
Anyway, here's a list. And a way to find more.
#TheConversation #Energy #Environment #auspol If NZ wants to decarbonise energy, we need to know which renewables deliver the best payback Read more…https://theconversation.com/if-nz-wants-to-decarbonise-energy-we-need-to-know-which-renewables-deliver-the-best-payback-251819
Dutton wrong to claim interest rates 'always' lower under Coalition #AusPol #FactCheck #DuttonLies
Australian Bureau of Statistics reports “Lowest number of offenders in 16 years”
Again, don’t let conservative politicians and media tell you lies.