Full details for my new workstation / gaming PC: https://pcpartpicker.com/b/n4t8TW
Full details for my new workstation / gaming PC: https://pcpartpicker.com/b/n4t8TW
The build is complete! Man, this thing is fast as hell. Lots more setup to go, but it felt great to finally turn it on after months of planning and waiting.
No surprise, Newegg failed me yet again with the 9950X3D launch. Fortunately Amazon saved me again.
8th March was the International Women's Day
Here at #RebelToolbox , we value all women all year round irrespective of how they were born: cis-women, LGBTQIA+, and of course those who are still deciding.
Get to know us in our monthly community event tomorrow (11 March) at 16:00 UTC
If you're shy, just keep your camera off.
ps. We don't tolerate bullies.
Boston Code Camp is thrilled that Microsoft MVP Jim Wilcox will present "Module-lithic Architecture" at this March 29th event! Register now at https://bit.ly/bcc38
#Boston #TechTalks #Developer #LearnItAll
One day I'll be able to go to a tech conference or event and not be bombarded with sessions all about GenAI, right?
Like events will be about actually building things again?
I’m a #Seattle #community #organizer and #activist, #developer, and #cybersecurity expert… + a queer, neurodivergent Black parent heavily impacted by #racism—including stalking, #housing insecurity, + a #racist #lynchmob.
I’ve spoken at #DEFCON, organized to #recall a mayor, and I help run the #partyon server + a local #hackerspace.
#Support my work, #activism, + #family here:
venmo/cashapp: @nullagent
Mein Profil auf php-programmierer.de
#Webentwicklung #PHPEntwickler #developer #development
PHP-Backoffice, die Programmierschmiede für Designer und Agenturen Ortwin Pinke aus Eltmann
Scopique everywhere. Life-long #gamer, super-entheusiastic about #starcitizen.
Occasional attempted #gamedev, but taking an extended break.
Mostly life-long #developer, currently #fullstack including #reactjs #csharp #sqlserver #docker #nodejs and whatever else fits the bill. Currently working on a secret project for one hour every three months.
#blogger at scopique.com.
I dunno what else to post here right now. I think I covered all the hashtags.
I've been here for a few weeks and am just finally getting around to a proper #introduction
I've been a software #developer for 20+ years, writing #python for at least 10 of that (I used to teach #youngcoders at #pycon)
Last year I switched over to #sre and I really like the work but still have a lot to learn
In my (very little) free time I try to make art - you can find me at https://www.instagram.com/b_shaurette_art/
I'm #prochoice, a queer #ally, I believe #blacklivesmatter ... also #fuckthepatriarchy