Teaching writing isn’t about bullet points and business reports—it’s about persona, ideas, and the eternal fight against chaos. https://www.byteseu.com/830108/ #ChatGPT #GenAI #writing
@molly0xfff on AI vs. scraping vs. copyright protection vs. openness. Very thoughtful (as usual) and worth reading.
Also included, this gem (together with other thoughts about sustainable business models):
«Many AI “visionaries” seem perfectly content to promise that artificial superintelligence is just around the corner, but claim that attribution is somehow a permanently unsolvable problem.»
#AI #GenAI #LLM #CreativeCommons #Sharing
Beyond the Hype: Is architecture for AI even necessary?
Do we trust the Government on NHS Reform when they're talking like this?
We know AI is a hustle, why don't these Very Serious People?
Are they naive or crooked?
Imagine being a Government minister and asking a mindless machine a question like "why aren't Small to Medium businesses taking up AI?"
Because Peter, they haven't found a business use for it, that's why. It's a toy looking for a serious purpose outside of Fascism
Google Introduces Gemma 3 Open-Source Efficient AI Models for Various Platforms
#AI #OpenSourceAI #GoogleAI #Google #Alphabet #Gemma3 #GenAI #EdgeComputing #AIModels #GenAI
Tiedoksi, että Pinterest käyttää kuviasi generatiivisen tekoälyn treenaamiseen. Tämä on vähintäänkin mielenkiintoista, sillä Pinterestin koko perusidea pohjautuu siihen, ettei tekijänoikeuksista välitetä lainkaan. Minunkin ottamia kuvia on siellä läjäpäin, enkä minä ole niitä sinne laittanut.
Pinterest tarjoaa asetuksista mahdollisuuden kytkeä tämän GenAI-roska pois päältä. Kuinka hyvin he sitä tottelevat, niin sitä en tiedä. Luonnollisesti asetus on oletuksena päällä, kuten ajankuvaan kuuluu.
Settings -> Your Privacy Rights -> GenAI
Yesterday, someone described to me a future in which most literature was AI-generated, and real books were "artisan".
I'm still trying to find all the words to explain why that wouldn't be okay.
The now-famous "why should I read something you couldn't be bothered to write?" line lands, yes. But deeper than that, writing is an essential part of thinking and imagination.
And human thought and imagination must never be outsourced or replaced.
A Moscow-based disinformation network has infiltrated Western AI tools worldwide, flooding them with pro-Kremlin propaganda, according to a new study.
The tech industry wants us to think generative AI is mostly upsides, but there are a bunch of harms they don’t want us to talk about.
Up next in the premium interviews from the #TechWontSaveUs DATA VAMPIRES series is @alex!
Become a Patreon supporter to listen: https://www.patreon.com/posts/harms-of-ai-w-122478911
The 10 leading generative AI tools advanced Moscow’s disinformation goals by repeating false claims from the pro-Kremlin Pravda network 1 out if 3 times.
I've had lots of great conversations with AI skeptics. I definitely lean toward "AI is cool as heck!" so knowing people are out there doing more critical work on the topic is great. It leaves me to explore their actual non-terrible uses, carving out a space between the scammers and bosses. The screamers really aren't representative, but you wouldn't know it by how they've dominated the conversation.
Lot of good they've done. AI is still here, and it's making its way into more places. But as I've written, it's time to drown them out and have a real conversation about it: https://kyefox.com/ai-assisted-creativity/
@TechDesk wow, "GenAI used by Fascists to destroy Democracy", such a wonderful invention that has embiggened all our lives! /s