#Arctic climate rankings are now in for February 2025: https://zacklabe.com/archive-2025/. This was a historic month for the region with record warm conditions and record low sea ice relative to any prior February.

#Arctic climate rankings are now in for February 2025: https://zacklabe.com/archive-2025/. This was a historic month for the region with record warm conditions and record low sea ice relative to any prior February.
Update. "The Data Hoarders Resisting Trump’s Purge. Can #librarians and guerrilla archivists save the country’s files from #DOGE.
"Lynda Kellam, a social scientist and data librarian,…who’s served in leadership positions at two Ivy League universities, described the vulnerable data as “irreplaceable.”…Kellam told me that she’d participated in a small data-preservation effort during Trump’s first term, but had never seen anything like the frenzy that ignited in late January, when the #CDC began removing information from its website. Kellam was encouraged, but worried about a lack of coördination. What if the backups languished on private hard drives? What if archivists duplicated one another’s work? She created a Google Doc to centralize information about preëxisting initiatives—an archive of archives, with detailed instructions on how to contribute to each…Kellam met with the heads of other data-librarian organizations, and together they founded the #DataRescueProject."
Update. "#APDU [Association of Public Data Users] Statement on #Education Research and #Data"
"On Tuesday, March 11, 2025, over 1,000 staff from the Department of Education [#DOE] were laid off. This includes almost all staff from the Institute of Education Sciences (#IES), which housed the National Center for Education Statistics (#NCES)…NCES is mandated by law to report on the condition of education annually, collect and disseminate key education data, and support state and local education agencies…The [layoffs] make it unclear how NCES will meet its legal obligations under the Education Sciences Reform Act, Every Student Succeeds Act, the Information Quality Act, and other federal laws…Congress and policymakers must act to ensure NCES has the resources to meet its statutory obligations. Stakeholders—including researchers, educators, and state leaders—must demand transparency on how education data will be maintained."
I just updated my #Arctic sea-ice thickness and volume graphics for February 2025 using PIOMAS data: https://zacklabe.com/arctic-sea-ice-volumethickness/
This month was the 2nd lowest February volume on record.
Marseille: Balade et cartopartie - Parcours de fraîcheur, Le samedi 15 mars 2025 de 09h30 à 16h30. https://www.agendadulibre.org/events/32062 #cartopartie #openstreetmap #osm #urbanisme #écologie #data #opendata #patrimoine #balade #marche #apitux #libreEnFete2025
Marseille: Conférence présentation d'OpenStreetMap, Le vendredi 14 mars 2025 de 18h30 à 20h30. https://www.agendadulibre.org/events/32061 #openstreetmap #osm #urbanisme #écologie #data #opendata #cartographie #conférence #sensibilisation #patrimoine #apitux #libreEnFete2025
[Utiliser des données en #opendata n°8] Dans son guide d'accompagnement à la réutilisation de données, l'équipe de data.gouv.fr recense et structure des ressources proposées par la communauté, notamment sur le nettoyage de données.
Retrouvez-en quelques unes en réponse (1/5)
Our new paper proposes adapting the #CARE Principles o manage sensitive information during wartime and humanitarian crises:
We explore how CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsibility, Ethics) can protect internally displaced persons and civilians in occupied territories from potential misuse of their data.
It's crucial to remember that in conflict conditions, data isn't just numbers - it's people's safety and lives.
Interview. Fibre, électricité : le projet (pas si) fou de 2 000 bénévoles pour recenser 26 millions de poteaux en France
À l'heure du déploiement de la #fibre optique en France, cette carte des poteaux électriques et télécoms va être utile aux professionnels et aux riverains, selon son instigateur.
My monthly #Arctic temperature graphics have just been updated through February 2025, which was one of the most anomalous months on record for this region: https://zacklabe.com/arctic-temperatures/
(New server, new #introduction .)
I'm a newcomer to #portland #pdx. I moved here after living in #austin #austinTX for over 30 years.
I'm interested in #openSource #linux #selfHosted #homeAutomation #homeAssistant
I advocate for #civicTech #openData #communityTech
I like #libraries #classicalGuitar
I occasionally post photos of #cooking, #bread, #pizza, and Franklin the #cat. You're welcome.
Aujourd’hui, nous célébrons la Journée internationale des droits des femmes ! #PourToutesLesFemmesEtLesFilles
A cette occasion et pour alimenter les réflexions, explorez les données en #opendata et réutilisations sur la place des femmes dans nos sociétés
Mount Etna volcano lava flow (3D), February 17th, 2025
, #Sicily, #Italy
flic.kr/p/2qQqXhH #OpenData #SciComm #Volcano #Etna Image is about 12 kilometers wide @CopernicusEU @CopernicusECMWF
[ Utiliser des données en #opendata n°7] L'équipe de data.gouv.fr propose dans son guide quelques méthodes pour filtrer des données.
Découvrez un aperçu en réponse (1/5)
#Arctic climate rankings are now in for January 2025: https://zacklabe.com/archive-2025/
RT from Copernicus Marine (@CMEMS_EU)
#DYK our #CopernicusMarine #OpenData provides key information to help monitor the passage of cyclones
Sea surface wave significant height
visualised in the #MyOceanViewer showing Cyclone #Garance making landfall in #LaReunion
& Tropical Storm #Honde near #Madagascar
[Utiliser des données en #opendata n°6] Vous avez téléchargé des données et souhaitez ouvrir le fichier.
L'équipe de data.gouv.fr propose un rappel de quelques options possibles pour les formats #CSV, #JSON, #XML, #GeoJSON, #shapefile et #KML dans son guide : https://guides.data.gouv.fr/reutiliser-des-donnees/guide-traitement-et-analyse-de-donnees/manipuler-des-donnees/ouvrir-des-donnees
My monthly #Arctic temperature graphics have now been updated through January 2025. Though, check out the daily data too... another North Pole winter warming spike is occurring.
Graphs: https://zacklabe.com/arctic-temperatures/ #SciComm #DataViz #OpenScience #OpenData
My #Arctic sea-ice thickness and volume graphics are updated for January 2025 using PIOMAS data (https://zacklabe.com/arctic-sea-ice-volumethickness/). This month was the 2nd lowest January volume on record. #SciComm #DataViz #OpenScience #OpenData