The Tech Pizza Monday meetup yesterday was so successful that we’re doing it again, you guessed it, next Monday! Come for the pizza and stay for the tech discussions. Got an open hardware demo? Cool! Those are the best! The more you believe in free and open software and hardware in service of a free and open society, the more you’re welcome to join us. The location is Victory Cafe, 440 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON. The start time is 6 PM.
RSVP is not required, or even encouraged, frankly. But we definitely it when you do. We will ask to indulge is by checking you in with the Luma QR code, if only because we enjoy scanning QR codes. #Toronto #tech #pizza #OpenHardware
Histoire de la #Pizza Et si la véritable fierté culinaire était de voir un plat intéresser le monde entier.
Premier épisode d'une série intitulée, Plats régionaux, histoires mondiales. À suivre, la #pizza , le #couscous , les #sushis et la #choucroute
I am of the Italian faction that doesn’t care what you put on pizza. It’s probably really tasty, even. My only thing is maybe that if you’re selling it to me and call it something, it should try being that something. Margherita, for example, has specific ingredients. Putting ham on it? Delicious. But call it something else. Make it yours.
We are Toronto’s GrapheneOS, Qubes OS, Linux, and free and open software and hardware weekly meetup! Join us this coming Monday when we will talk about those things and how they relate to a free and open society. As usual, there will be pizza! The next meetup is March 24th starting at 6 PM, Victory Cafe, 440 Bloor St. W. RSVP! Or not! Just look for the sign when you get there. #Toronto #GrapheneOS #QubesOS #Linux #tech #pizza
I haven't felt good since LAST Friday, but Friday IS STIILL Friday, so here's a "Friday Feeling" photo. I'll have your 7-day weather forecast through NEXT Friday on KTVQ & MTN at 4, 5:30 & 10!
Going to make my own pizza tomorrow night. I want green olives and garlic, what other vegetarian options go with that?
A reminder that Tech Pizza Monday, with a St. Patrick’s Day theme somehow, is happening tonight! No need to RSVP, but also, you could! #Toronto #tech #pizza #StPatricksDay
Tomorrow: Tech Pizza Monday, St. Partrick’s Day Edition. Victory Café, 440 Bloor St. W., 6 PM. Remember to wear something green! #Toronto #tech #pizza
I'm using my weekend to tidy up my Podcast and RSS feed. It's getting out of hand, so I'm starting from scratch. I made a backup, just in case I want to go back to my chaos later.
Tomorrow, my dad is coming over for a visit and we'll have some coffee.
On Sunday, I'm going to my friend's birthday party. We're going bowling, eating pizza, and then checking out his new apartment.
How's your weekend going?