I never thought I would see one in the wild, but…there it is. Wow.
Seen on hxxps://carshowpro.com
I never thought I would see one in the wild, but…there it is. Wow.
Seen on hxxps://carshowpro.com
Hello #UX friends, I need help!
There have been great articles written on how to create a great portfolio, I just can't find them now! Can anyone here reply with a link to one they've liked?
Fast Company article about the "Is Design Dead?" conference:
1. Design is hurting at a lot of companies
2. Designers blew their big moment
3. We’re in a down cycle
4. Designers sell their value
5. Designers have failed to speak the language of business
6. Design thinking has undercut the value of design
7. Maybe design needs a new name
8. Design’s has DEI issue
9. Corporate reorgs kill design strategy
10. Design is still better off than 25 years ago
A must read for web developers: "Who's Afraid of a Hard Page Load?" https://unplannedobsolescence.com/blog/hard-page-load/ #webdev #webdevelopment #spa #ux #browsers
I have many home-cooked software tools - apps that I've built for myself to solve my own problems.
As I like to share my projects with the world, I've recently ended up spending quite a lot of time thinking about how much polish to the UX I should put into my own tools beyond my own needs.
We asked users what would make them more likely to sign up to email newsletters via a popup. A decent number said nothing would motivate them to subscribe, but some were... 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘳 than others read what real users had to say: https://noble.click/popupresearch #UX #UXresearch #NoMorePopups
Users might subscribe to your newsletter, but it won’t be because of a popup.
Give them valuable content first
Be clear about what they’ll receive
Let them find the signup when they’re ready
Our #research proves it’s time for a smarter approach. Read it here: https://noble.click/popupresearch #UX #MarketingEthics #DesignMatters #StopThePopups #EmailOverload #AntiPopups #BetterWeb #NoMorePopups
Marketers: Think popups drive sign-ups? Our research says otherwise.
95.3% of users are unlikely to subscribe
Most don’t even trust sites that ask for their email too soon
If you want real engagement, you need a different approach. Read the study: https://noble.click/popupresearch
How do newsletter subscription popups make users feel? Not great it turns out. Our #UXresearch shows users are happy to subscribe—but only when it’s on their terms. Read the study: https://noble.click/popupresearch #MarketingEthics #DesignMatters #StopThePopups #EmailOverload #AntiPopups #BetterWeb #NoMorePopups #UX
Users aren’t just ignoring popups. They’re leaving your site because of them.
“In most cases, I close down the page and search for another site.”
Bad #UX costs you visitors. So what should businesses do instead? We’ve got the data: https://noble.click/popupresearch
Users don’t just dislike newsletter popups. They 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 them. Our research found that popups trigger strong negative reactions. Is a popup really the first impression you want your users to have? Read the full research here: https://noble.click/popupresearch #uxresearch #UX #StopThePopups #BetterWeb
UX Research Confirms: Users 𝘏𝘢𝘵𝘦 Subscription Popups!
We've conducted original #UX research to find out exactly how users feel about these intrusive popups, and the results are brutal.
83.8% see them too often
95.3% are unlikely to subscribe
Users described them as "annoying, frustrating, and irritating" (plus some spicier words!)
Read the research here: https://noble.click/popupresearch #uxresearch #BetterWeb #MarketingEthics #DesignMatters
reading the Hypercard manual today for UI inspiration and found an ultra hot “tearaway” action I had no idea existed until today.
Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak says Tesla ‘is the worst in the world’ at improving its technology for drivers
“Where to find the time of day changes depending on what [driving] mode you’re in,” he said. “The buttons that go through your six favorite channels don’t work if it’s satellite radio channels. It takes so many tries to hit one button in your jiggly car, and it just doesn’t work.”
#tesla #musk #ux https://fortune.com/2025/03/07/steve-wozniak-says-tesla-is-worst-at-improving-driver-tech/
Rethinking atomic design. I think it might be time to reconsider… | by Luis Ouriach | Mar, 2025 | Medium
Quick #poll (boost for fun)
The person who invented the “Yes” or “Maybe Later” choice (instead of no), should be banned from ever designing another piece of #technology. #UI #UX
This week's newsletter is inspired by the first female winner of the Nobel Prize in economics, for debunking the ecofascist "tragedy of the commons" theory.
Elinor Ostrom's understanding of the social system that manages a common resource is critical for making trade-offs in our own work, which can build - rather than burn - trust.
#ProductManagement #UX #UXDesign
#coding --> #socialcoding
#community --> #movement
#users --> #fedizens
#technosphere --> #sociosphere
#fediverse --> #peopleverse
#foss --> #soss
#socialmedia --> #socialnetworking
#socialgraph --> #socialfabric
#techstack --> #socialstack
#app --> #solution #service
#product --> #socialexperience
#dx #ux #ui --> #sx
#project --> #fsdl
#projects --> #ecosystem
#development --> #cocreation
#forge --> #forging
#contributor --> #peer
#contributing --> #peerproduction