Además, algunas cosas que me gustan (así, sin orden ni concierto):
#DoctorWho, #GoodOmens, #StarTrek, #Firefly, #JurassicPark, #TheCranberries, #Nightwish, #MitologíaNórdica, #Loki (tanto el mitológico como el de #Marvel), #Miniaturas, #Artesanía (especialmente #Cosmética, #Cuero y #Resina), #numismática, #Impresión3D, #acuariofilia …
Juego a #PokemonGo. #PokemonGoFriends: 0131 3999 8371 (Marino).
LISTER Drill Surface Operations. NASA's instrument for subsurface thermal exploration began drilling into the surface shortly after landing to determine the heat flow from the interior of the Moon.
Released Mar. 10, 2025, Credit: Firefly Aerospace
Deployment of the Lunar Magnetotelluric Sounder (LMS) electrodes to the surface and a 8-foot mast above the top deck. LMS will be used to characterize the structure and composition of the Moon’s mantle.
Mar. 7, 2025, Credit: Firefly Aerospace
#BlueGhost Lunar Surface Shadow Selfie
Shortly after landing, Blue Ghost's captured another shadow selfie showing the deployed X-band antenna (left) and LEXI payload (right) on the top deck.
Mar. 7, 2025, Credit: Firefly Aerospace