Over 200 Companies Are Part of the Push for Better Chicken Welfare Standards https://foodtank.com/news/2025/03/companies-are-part-of-the-push-for-better-chicken-welfare-standards/

Over 200 Companies Are Part of the Push for Better Chicken Welfare Standards https://foodtank.com/news/2025/03/companies-are-part-of-the-push-for-better-chicken-welfare-standards/
Sign up for the LEAF (Literacy and Food Education) community growing initiatives newsletter. https://libraryleaf.ie/ #Libraries #Gardening #Growing #Seeds #Education #Literacy #FreeSeeds #Ireland #SolarPunkSunday #Community #Climate #Sustainability
Colorado Water Plan Boosted with Prop JJ Funding https://foodtank.com/news/2025/03/colorado-water-plan-boosted-with-prop-jj-funding/
Resketch makes notebooks and sketchpads of unused architectural diagrams, maps, logs, sheet music, and more.
In the course of my work at the Dept of Agriculture, I was able to travel across the #Philippines and meet our country’s most valuable resource, our farmers. One of my best jobs. #SomethingLikeLife #heritage #culture #coffee #farming #weaving #artisans #Sustainability
U.N. Report Calls for Climate Tech for Food System Resilience https://foodtank.com/news/2025/03/u-n-report-calls-for-climate-tech-for-food-system-resilience/
The humans couldn't finance a dam. The beavers fixed the problem
#Sustainability #Resilience #Ecology
Op-Ed | Nourishing Food Systems for People and the Planet through Agroecology https://foodtank.com/news/2025/03/op-ed-nourishing-food-systems-for-people-and-the-planet-through-agroecology/
Jobs for the weekend - 22/23 March
My top-soil and bark mulch got delivered so need to shift all of that, which will allow for carrots, snips and salad to be sown. Got some maintenance to do as well, oiling and sharpening tools etc.
Also going to plan out a “habitat stack”. Logs and leaves and whatnot for any wildlife that might want to use it
#Garden #Gardening #Gardener #Sustainability #Fruit #Veg #FruitandVeg #Vegetables #Flowers #Plant #Plants #animals #wildlife #nature #GardenersWorld
21 New Books to Inspire the Movement for Sustainable Food Systems https://foodtank.com/news/2025/03/new-books-to-inspire-the-movement-for-sustainable-food-systems/
How Climate Change is Transforming Food Flavor and Tradition https://foodtank.com/news/2025/03/how-climate-change-is-transforming-food-flavor-and-tradition/
After spending the weekend exploring London, I traveled to Manchester and have started working at Washington Mills UK since Monday. I will be here until the end of the week, consulting the team on key tasks related to ESG.
Countries must move rapidly to slash CO2 emissions from homes, offices, shops and other buildings — a sector that accounts for a third of global greenhouse gas pollution, the United Nations has said. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/environment/2025/03/18/sustainability/un-buildings-carbon-footprint/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #environment #sustainability #un #carbon #emissions #constructionindustry #climatechange
Chewing gum is plastic pollution, not a litter problem
#Environment #PlasticPollution #ChewingGum #Pollution #Microplastics #EnvironmentalDamage #Sustainability #EcoFriendly #ReduceWaste #BanPlasticGum #GreenLiving #PollutionCrisis #LitterProblem
Plant-based plastics could help reduce the millions of tonnes of medical waste hospitals generate each year
#Bioplastics #MedicalWaste #Sustainability #Healthcare #Pollution #EcoFriendly #PlasticPollution #GreenInnovation #Biodegradable #CleanEnvironment
@ChrisMayLA6 Ironically, this may lead to growth! We could build dual purpose devices than can be used for war and during peace time too. Drones spring to mind but also aircraft. Not sure how missiles could be repurposed though! #sustainability
Email signatures are harming the planet and could cost people their lives — it’s time to stop using them
#Environment #Tech #ClimateChange #DigitalWaste #EmailSignatures #CarbonEmissions #Sustainability #ITImpact #EcoFriendly #GreenTech #ReduceEmissions
#goodnews #goodearth #science #sustainability #renewableenergy #solar #recycling #research #Sweden
New Method Can Recycle All Parts of a Modern Solar Cell with Water: ‘We Can Recycle Everything’