I just delved into XMPP & OMEMO, despite limited experience. This old but intriguing article caught my attention: https://soatok.blog/2024/08/04/against-xmppomemo/ Worth a read?
#XMPP #OMEMO #PrivacyMatters
@fj I still think @signalapp has fundamental flaws like demanding #PII (#PhoneNumbers can't be obtained anonymously around the globe and are trivial to track down to devices and thus users), being subject to #CloudAct as an unnecessary & 100% avoidable risk as well as #Shitcoin-#Scam shilling (#MobileCoin) and it's #proprietary, #SingleVendor & #SingleProvider nature that makes it inferior to real #E2EE with #SelfCustody like #PGP/MIME & #XMPP+#OMEMO!
Reminder to people who work in the #military, #healthSector or any other institution with #clearance levels:
Please use #InstantMessaging systems, that reflect them, for #classified information.
E.g. there is "XEP-0258: #Security Labels in #XMPP" https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0258.html
Una cosa te digo: sería mucho más fácil traerse a la gente a #XMPP si los clientes tuvieran unas interfaces bonicas en lugar de ciertos truñacos que asustan nada más abrirlos y les hacen correr de vuelta a guasap.
I'm not a huge fan of "individual #selfHosting", but prefer "#community self-hosting". Because of #lorryFactor and danger of overwork. Self-hosting for ones family has additional risks, given that some families are dangerous places.
I'm co-maintaining the #Jabber server of the local #Berlin Internet club we founded in 1995
We give people a free and federated alternative to closed silos such as Whatsapp or Signal.
Der große Messenger-Test! Finde den passenden Messenger: Unser Schnell-Check zu Sicherheit, Datenschutz und Bedienung zeigt, welche Messenger überzeugen und welche nicht.
Getting started with XMPP/Jabber and PGP for federated, encrypted messaging
This is a short thread where I explain how I started using the XMPP protocol and PGP encryption for secure messaging. I am not a security expert, but I am a mathematician and I am confortable with the Linux command line. This guide is for people who want to use PGP for secure messaging easily. You will need to be okay with typing commands into the Linux command line in order to do this, but I will tell you exactly what to enter.
Part 1: XMPP
Mastodon is like email, but for social media. You sign up for an account with a server, and then you can talk with any other accounts that are signed up on other servers, as long as your servers are getting along. (No one wants emails from the sketchy spam server, and we want to be able to choose between Yahoo, Gmail, etc.) XMPP (a.k.a. Jabber) is the same thing for text messaging.
Just like signing up for an email/Mastodon account, you need to sign up for an account. You can find a list of servers at https://list.jabber.at/ and will probably at least need to provide an email addess when making an account.
Once you have made an account, you need a client. On Linux, I've been having a good time using Dino (https://dino.im/). You can then enter your account name and password to log into your XMPP account and start chatting! There are both public rooms and you can also message directly with your friends.
#security #PGP #XMPP #FOSS #Jabber #Dino #MonoclesChat
En ces périodes incertaines, si vous cherchez une messagerie instantanée complète mais éthique et respectueuse de votre vie privée, pensez aux solutions décentralisées dans le même esprit que le fédiverse : XMPP !
Présentation : https://gayfr.live
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