"Companies spanning areas including cloud, telecoms, defence, along with several regional business and startup associations, have put their names to the letter — which was sent to the Commission on Sunday — urging the bloc to switch its tech strategy onto a quasi-war footing by committing to support “sovereign digital infrastructure.”
The plan pushes for reducing reliance on foreign-owned Big Tech by actively fostering development of a so-called “Euro stack.” The European digital infrastructure pitch is not coming out of thin air — a Euro Stack paper written by, among others, the competition economist Cristina Caffarra was published in January fleshing out the strategy in some detail.
There has also been, over the last half year or so, a smattering of conference chatter turning over the potential for enterprising Europeans to seize a geopolitically fraught moment to press the case for the EU to adopt a digital industrial strategy that’s squarely focused on favoring local innovation."