#TheArgyleSweater by #ScottHilburn for March 23, 2025 - GoComics
#TheArgyleSweater by #ScottHilburn for March 23, 2025 - GoComics
#CalvinAndHobbes by #BillWatterson for March 23, 2025 - GoComics
Bookle #Wordletrek
Wordles got me into books Spock so I created bookle
Even as Captain you can't create words sir.
Not even with an executive order
Spock ?
Anyway any new book reads sir?
Just flew in from Dronazon Spock
Buchan's 'The thirty nine steps'
with fugitive hero Richard Hannay
the writer has a way with words
'Pardon,' he said, 'I'm a bit rattled tonight. You see, I happen at this moment to be dead.'
une vidéo brève pour acclimater les spationautes tout juste de retour sur Terre... ils sont restés là-haut 9 mois au lieu d'une semaine, tout a changé aux états-unis !
(anglais sous-titré à l'image)
"The daily show" du mercredi 19 mars
Cinéma : "Le Secret de Khéops", sorti en France le 5 mars, voit un vieil archéologue excentrique (incarné par Fabrice Lucchini) partir sur les traces du pharaon en question, dont la momie aurait été rapportée à Paris par Vivant Denon après l'expédition d'Égypte de Napoléon.
#cinéma #archéologie #ÉgypteAncienne #Kheops #FabriceLucchini #aventure #humour
'They seek him here.(6) #wordletrek
Tricky fugitive today Spock flushing that Pimpernel hiding well
You know the Pimpernel's not so much fugitive as spy Captain
Whatever Spock an adventuring spirit
'When will you give up these mad adventures, and leave others to fight their own battles and to save their own lives as best they may?'
But where is the prime directive Sir?
Red tape Spock
1. Fiche le camp d'ici! 2. Ben quoi? Y a un problème?
Bon samedi!
2. Go away from here! 2. So what? Any problem?
Have a great saturday
Salzinnes - Vallée de la Sambre (BE)
If only that was the only reason
@reading @bookstodon @bookbubble @humour
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#TheArgyleSweater by #ScottHilburn for June 17, 2017 - GoComics
#CalvinAndHobbes by #BillWatterson for March 21, 2025 - GoComics
'they seek him here' (5) Wordletrek
Thoughts from The Pimpernel Captain?
Many Spock. Great insight into the times
Written 1905 on 1792 CE it's made up remember sir
but its so real Spock like time travel
“The brave man is not he who feels no fear, for that were stupid and irrational; but he, whose noble soul its fear subdues, and bravely dares the danger nature shrinks from.”
Reminds you of anyone sir
think I know who Spock
Mr Sulu sir?
#TheArgyleSweater by #ScottHilburn for June 20, 2017 - GoComics
They Seek him here (4) #Wordletrek
Found the fugitive Spock.
How's the Scarlet Pimpernel book reading going by the way sir?
It's that weird words on paper thing I struggle with Spock
but found another quote
“The only way to keep a secret is to say nothing.”
Very true sir
Did you see who Scotty was with yesterday Spock?
#humour #scifi #wordle
Plain weaves and twill weaves are accepted, though.
Proofreading: It matters!
#CalvinAndHobbes by #BillWatterson for March 19, 2025 - GoComics