Assuming our rulers stay on their present course, following the mantra of economic growth at any cost, then all the climate and environmental crises we're experiencing today will continue to worsen with increasingly disastrous results.
What will their response be to this?
Certainly not to end capitalism or even slow things down. That would be unthinkable!
Instead they will almost certainly opt for geoengineering at some point, using technology to alter Earth’s ecosphere in an attempt to allay the damage caused by technology altering Earth’s ecosphere.
That’s senseless and stupid. But that’s what they’ll do.
It may turn out, unfortunately, that some form of geoengineering will in fact be a necessity if we are to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of global heating.
But — and this is a very big but — that prospect should NOT be used as an excuse to continue with Business As Usual. It should not be seen as a way to prolong capitalism’s reign over us.
We need #Degrowth now.