#Trump’s EO also revokes a #Biden admin order from 2021 designed to promote #access to voting.
The admin is calling it “the farthest-reaching executive action taken in the history of the Republic to secure our elections.”
After signing, Trump said more #election actions would be taken in the coming weeks.
#Trump signs sweeping #ExecutiveOrder overhauling #US #elections
It’s designed to “cut down” on the number of immigrants in the country illegally who are supposedly on voter rolls & would “fully weaponize” DHS data to ensure such migrants aren’t casting ballots.
The action seeks to include a “citizenship question” on federal voting forms & reduce federal #election #funding to states that don’t take “reasonable steps” to secure their balloting.
Why the Wisconsin Supreme Court race is a big deal
The resistance needs a morale boost. But its importance goes beyond that
" #ElonMusk, has poured money into the #election...
As #Musk rampages through the federal govt & #Trump attempts to terrorize his opponents into silence... the public, the #media, the #GOP, & the #Democratic Party itself all need to be forcefully reminded that Trump is vulnerable, widely disliked, & can be defeated"
Belliard savoure sa victoire à la primaire des écolos à Paris: "Je mets au défi la droite de revenir sur le stationnement payant des deux-roues motorisés ! La question n’est pas d’être radical mais à la hauteur des enjeux. Et les enjeux, climatiques et sociaux, sont énormes", déclare l'adjoint vert au Parisien. Quoi, déjà terminée la candidature "woke" revendiquée il y a quelques jours? https://www.leparisien.fr/elections/municipales/municipales-2026-a-paris-que-les-gens-du-xvie-mexpliquent-que-je-suis-hors-sol-defie-david-belliard-24-03-2025-46XYQ5EADRHFJF3GGVQT2AYNKQ.php
Carney still hasn't spoken to Trump, thinks president is waiting for election results to talk
Prime Minister Mark Carney says he’s available to talk to the U.S. President Donald Trump as the White House prepares its next volley in the ongoing tariff war, but implied the president is waiting for the results of the federal election — whoever that may be after April 28.
#politics #election #trade #News
Plus de 10 journalistes arrêtés à leur domicile en Turquie après les manifs contre Erdogan, dont un photographe de l'AFP, rapporte l'association turque de défense des droits humains MLSA. Ces arrestations arbitraires s'ajoutent à un millier d'interpellation en tout, depuis mercredi https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/turquie/direct-manifestations-en-turquie-dix-journalistes-dont-un-photographe-de-l-afp-arretes-a-leur-domicile_7148790.html#xtor=CS2-765-[autres]-
National defence is often an afterthought in Canadian elections. Not this time
Issues of sovereignty, national security and defence — often footnotes, or even ignored outright in federal election campaigns — are likely to dominate the political landscape over the next five weeks as Canadians march toward the April 28 vote.
#politics #election #defense #security #News
Fukuoka Gov. Seitaro Hattori won a second term in Sunday's gubernatorial election in Fukuoka Prefecture, defeating three other candidates, including lawyer Koichiro Yoshida. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/24/japan/politics/fukuoka-gov-relected/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #japan #politics #fukuoka #election #localgovernment #seitarohattori
Do YOU live in WISCONSIN or Do You Know Anyone Who Does?
VOTE EARLY NOW! Elect SUSAN CRAWFORD to the State Supreme Court!
LAST DAY to VOTE is Tuesday April 1!
#wisconsin #wipol #election #election2025 #vote #uspol #uspolitics #politics
'Offensive and false': Alberta premier's office denies Smith urged U.S. to interfere in federal election
The office of Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is vehemently denying accusations that she asked the U.S. to interfere with Canadian federal politics, as comments Smith made during an interview with an American news ou...
#politics #election #government #Alberta #US #Canada
I know some of you are tired of my posting this however, with the upcoming election, even if one unknowing person is helped I think it is worthwhile...so please boost this again.
Snopes Tips: How to Spot Social Media Bots
Bots are used for a variety of reasons online, from boosting follower counts to interfering in political elections.
Indeed, #billionaires are only a tiny fraction, maybe 0.0001%, of the #capitalist class. #Occupy was right, it really is the top 2% (& their supporters) who are the problem.
The " #billionaire class" does not exist. #Capitalists are the problem. Most of the country's capitalists, & the #wealthy #corrupt #politicians who pander to them, are not billionaires.
Pretend opposition to the " #billionaire class" by #liberals like #BernieSanders & #AOC is an intentional diversion of #workingclass energy & #classstruggle away from the real problem, which is #capitalism & the broader #capitalist class as a whole.
#AOC is a perfect example of how easy it is to say the right thing when you don't have to follow through with anything you propose or claim to stand for.
#AOC is such a champion of the people that even #Dem adjacent #DSA went to the trouble & public humiliation of un-endorsing her!
What a fighter!
Weird how someone that claims to oppose #oligarchs sure likes hanging out with them at their own events!
#Biden had more than 90 #billionaires supporting him in 2020. Both #AOC & #BernieSanders couldn't wait to endorse him in 2024 & vigorously pushed back against calls for him to drop out after his horrid debate performance when #liberals turned on him.
Here's your champion against the #oligarchy. Couldn't even take a principled stand against #genocide. #BernieSanders still won't acknowledge that what's happening in #Gaza actually is a #genocide.