** There's a war on in the West.
Even where there is no hot conflict there is a war of ideas, about freedoms and responsibilities, about the limits of demands we can make on one another. It is a war with real and deadly everyday consequences in liberal European countries and even more so in the scheduled rapidly disassembling USA.
If you agree with this simple analysis,- then I'd also suggest we're better off not attacking comrades we fight alongside 99% of the time.
** Stop imagining heroes, they do not exist!
Every single ally will have faults - opinions, relationships, experiences, backgrounds that you dislike or disagree with. Don't let that distract you from the common struggle - #Fascism will use it against us.
So keep that in mind when you read something like "#Bernie voted for #genocide".
Oh, and also: #FuckNetanyahu #FreePalestine #StopTheGenocide #IsraelIsATerroristState