I’m back in #palia where I agree to help #einar solve the mystery of his birth place. #videogames #cozygames #gaming #youtube #letsplay
I’m back in #palia where I agree to help #einar solve the mystery of his birth place. #videogames #cozygames #gaming #youtube #letsplay
What y'all views on ROBLOX ? I can't een get my ngga he gun !!!
Dis shit complicated asf gang ian gonna lie
What y'all best hood game on dis bih??
Am 14. Mai wird der Deutsche Computerspielpreis in Berlin verliehen und die Verleihung wird live bei YouTube und Twitch übertragen!
Um wie viel Uhr, wie die YouTube- und Twitch-Kanäle heißen und ob/wie man als Interessent*in an der Veranstaltung teilnehmen kann, ist leider nicht herauszufinden, zumindest nicht auf der offiziellen "Alle Infos"-Website oder im LinkedIn-Auftritt des DCP. Schwache Leistung.
This is it, the final showdown in our #IonFury playthrough. This was a fun romp, it's crazy now to see the explosion of GZDoom games that have come out in recent years, and to know that even the company #3DRealms themselves were able to make something fun and nostalgic as this.
Which reminds me, I really should get around to playing #Selaco, #Hrot, #Dusk, #AmidEvil, #Prodeus, and all the other modern Boomer Shooters...
Check out Hades II: Making Friends and Finding Love
I’m back in #hades2 where I make some friends and, just maybe, find some hint of romance. #videogames #gaming #roguelike #twitch #livestream
Downloading "Split Fiction" through the EA App made me face the issue of slow downloads once again. Now I figured it out and the download speeds are much better!
Fixing slow download speeds on Windows 11:
Well it took us a bit to get back into the rhythm of things, but we eventually found ourselves quite a bit of iron that we can start utilizing! Maybe now we can start working on #ImmersiveEngineering? We're back on the island again today for some more #UnderdogModpack for today's #Sunday #Stream #Shenanigans, so come stop by and
Here is how I cleaned up my partition space after the install of SWTOR
Rocket League players are some of the most toxic assholes out there.
#QuestionOfTheDay what's your comfort media thing when you're stressed or scared or need distraction? Like a show or episode of a show or book or chapter of a book or movie, music, game, comic, anime, manga, YouTube video, whatever
Okay, betting time. Will #MetroidPrime4Beyond be exclusive to #NintendoSwitch2?
Amid deteriorating relations between the US and Canada, many Canadian video game developers are opting not to travel to San Francisco for next week’s Game Developers Conference. #Tech #Technology #Gaming #GDC #Trump #Backlash #AmericaLast #Developers #VideoGames
Been playing The Messenger lately! what an enjoyable game, and lovely throwback.
Scope it out if you're interested!
L'amie @filiaa a mis beaucoup de cœur et de temps dans un article fouillé sur la relation entre humour et interactivité. Article passé un peu inaperçu en raison du concours annuel de fiction interactive.
Lisons-le, commentons-le, partageons-le !
I think I’m ready for another game. I’ve been playing StarCraft for nearly 30 years now. Recommendations? #gaming
A bit of a rare afternoon post from me. Had stuff going on this morning and decided to talk about the #GuildWars2 sale going on, and some of the other things I have been playing like #DragonsDogma2, #Gunlocked, and #boonsandburdens.
Guild Wars 2 Massive Discount
Dang. Robocop Rogue City is $10 right now. That's SUPER worth it if you haven't played it yet. It's the best Robocop 3 movie we never got.