"I write, therefore I still live." —Talat Qudaih for New Lines Magazine
"I write, therefore I still live." —Talat Qudaih for New Lines Magazine
In this week's Top 5:
-The governor fighting to kill
-A contaminated building site
-The honesty of Bella Ramsey
-The real Texas-Mexico border
-Gambling for show
The Dual State: Contribution to the Theory of Dictatorship by Ernst Fraenkel
A Natural History of Insects in 100 Limericks by Richard Jones, 2021
Insects are often overlooked because they are small or ignored because they are deemed trivial, and many are dismissed as nuisance pests. But their numbers and diversity are mind-numbing, and under even a modest hand lens they are beautiful or bizarre. Insects dominate the centre ground of all terrestrial and most aquatic ecosystems.
"Disgust is a gut reaction, but it’s also highly sensitive to our beliefs about the food in question." —Alexandra Plakias for Aeon
Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich by Chrystia Freeland, 2012
Forget the 1% - it's time to get to grips with the 0.1% ...There has always been some gap between rich and poor, but it has never been wider - and now the rich are getting wealthier at such breakneck speed that the middle classes are being squeezed out.
I've just reviewed Csaba Szabo's ''Unreliable: Bias, Fraud, and the Reproducibility Crisis in Biomedical Research'.
It's a tour-de-force through how most biomedicine research results are impossible to reproduce, how the field is corrupted by fraud, and what some real scientists are doing to counter all of this.
@bookstodon #book #reading #CsabaSzabo #BookReview #reviews #books #science #biomedicine #papers #research #NonFiction
"The company’s stock-in-trade is not the Irish pub as a commodity; it’s the Irish pub as a vibe." —Liza Weisstuch for The Smithsonian Magazine
"Who among us hasn’t felt how the moment, manner, place, or company in which we walk dramatically affects our emotions and engagement with the world?"